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Categorizing Inbound Leads by Branch

How do I categorize and filter inbound leads from my website and/or lead providers by branch?

Matt Honeycutt avatar
Written by Matt Honeycutt
Updated over a week ago

By default, new leads that are sent to your account from 3rd party lead providers or your website will be assigned to your "Primary" branch.

Note: You can change your primary branch in your SmartMoving Branch settings

However, with a small change, incoming leads can be sent to a specific branch.

Getting Branch IDs
You will first need your branch IDs for any branch you wish to send leads to.  Each branch is given a globally unique ID that looks similar to 999999aa-9a9a-99a9-9999-a999999a9a9a.  

To get the ID for a branch, go to your SmartMoving Branch settings, then click the "three dots" icon for a branch.  From the menu that appears, choose "Copy ID."

This will copy the branch's ID to your clipboard. 

Sending Branch ID
NOTE: This step may require some technical expertise in order to complete.  
Now that you have the branch ID, you can include it as a "branchId" field.  

For a website integration, this may be as simple as adding a new "BranchId" field to your page, or configuring "BranchId" as a value passed via form plugin's settings.  

For lead providers, the "branchId" can be included in the payload, as shown in the following example:

You can also pass the branch ID as a "query string" parameter, as in this example:

Viewing the Branch for New Leads
All new leads, regardless of where they originated, are placed into the New Leads list. This list includes a Branch column.  You can sort leads by branch by clicking on the column header:

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