Set Off-Peak, Peak, and Other Pricing Periods

Tariff pricing periods

Ren Jones avatar
Written by Ren Jones
Updated over a week ago

Pricing periods are specific dates that require different prices than the normal default pricing (for example, peak rates). By setting up pricing periods, SmartMoving will automatically price your jobs based on the date of the job and the pricing period that matches that date.

To edit your pricing periods, navigate to Settings -> Tariffs -> Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Periods from the left menu.

The default pricing period includes all dates, as this is your normal, standard pricing. All other periods define a date range that overrides the default rates for the days you specify. If your company doesn't implement peak rates, just define prices for the default period.

If additional periods are specified you will be given the option to set up multiple rates for each of the tariff pricing methods, such as hourly rates, packing rates, valuation, etc.

You can have an unlimited number of periods, but the order that the periods are listed, determines their priority. Meaning, whichever order they are listed in, SmartMoving will start at the top and match your move date to the first date range or specific date that the move date matches, in order to select which period to use.
To reorder your rates into the correct order, use the reorder icon on the left-hand side to drag and drop the periods into the correct order.

Tip: You can create drafts or hide any period by disabling it. Disabled periods will not appear for your Sales team.

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