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Using the SM-100 Managed Tariff

A step-by-step guide for creating estimates using the SM-100 Managed Tariff.

Lauren Greener avatar
Written by Lauren Greener
Updated over 8 months ago

Note to the Reader: There are one or more sections in this article that are labeled "Admin Users Only," because they include permissions that the average user will likely not have access to. Sections without this designation are applicable to all SmartMoving users.

What is the SM-100 Managed Tariff?

Our integrated SM-100 Managed Tariff is based on the popular 400N framework, and makes calculating interstate moves simple, fast, and compliant. Using SM-100, you will be able to set up mandatory and custom tariffs in SmartMoving.

SM-100 Video Overview

Customizing the SM-100 in Managed Tariffs (Admin Users Only)

The SM-100 Managed Tariff will be added into your company's SmartMoving account settings by a member of our Customer Success team during a call with an admin user.

  1. Once the SM-100 has been added to your Managed Tariffs, it will show in the Tariffs area within your Settings.
    Setttings > Tariffs > Tariff Library > Managed Tariffs

  2. To customize the settings of the SM-100 Managed Tariff, click on SM-100 in the card.

  3. This is where you will configure your common settings.

  4. Click in the Applies to Branches box to determine which of your company's branches will be able to access and use the SM-100 Managed Tariff. Any branches that you have added to your SmartMoving account will populate in this menu.

  5. Click in the Applies to Opportunity Types box to decide which types of opportunities the SM-100 Managed Tariff will apply to: local, intrastate, interstate, or all.

  6. In this same window, you can also add a Minimum Booking Amount or a Minimum Weight to apply to all estimates generated using SM-100.

  7. Under the Valuation Options tab, you can customize the valuation options that work for you.

  8. All changes made under Valuation Options will auto-save when you select Back to return to the tariff screen.

Creating an SM-100 Interstate Estimate

There are two ways to create a new SM-100 interstate estimate:

  • If someone calls your company for a quote on an interstate move, you can create an estimate by clicking the Add icon in the top right menu and selecting New Opportunity.

  • By opening an existing lead and clicking Create Estimate.

Step 1: Enter the customer's personal information

  1. Enter the customer's personal information.

    • Email and phone number aren't required.

    • If you're creating the estimate from a lead, this information will be automatically populated if available, and the link icon will appear next to the customer's name to show that the data is linked to an existing customer.

    • You can click the plus button next to the phone number field to add more.

    • To the right of the move date, you can see your availability for the date.

  2. Click Next.

Step 2: Enter the move's origin

  1. Enter the address the move is starting from, and select the correct address from the list of suggestions.

    • If your address doesn't appear in the list, click Custom Address above the field to add the address.

    • Once you select an address, you can click the map icon to the right of the field to see the satellite, map, or street view.

  2. Enter any additional data about the property including the property name, unit number, property type, parking type, stairs, walk distance, and elevators. If there are any additional factors that will affect the move, click Add Additional Handicaps to add them.

  3. Click Next.

Step 3: Enter the move's destination

  1. Enter the out of state destination address following the same steps from Step 2 above for the origin address.

  2. Click Save & Close.

Managing an SM-100 Interstate Estimate

After you open an opportunity, click the Estimate tab to see the estimate and job details.

The Estimate tab contains four main sections:

  • The Opportunity Overview and Actions Cards

  • The Job Panel

  • The Charges Section

  • The Opportunity Information

There are also five small sections for Payments, Surveys, Box Delivery, Inventory, and Tasks.

Additionally, you can click the Action button at the top of the page to quickly complete actions like booking the opportunity, previewing an estimate, and more.

The Opportunity Overview & Actions Cards

This section shows the move size, volume and weight, and estimated total.

You can use the links on the three cards to:

  • Add rooms to the move size.

  • Navigate to the inventory.

  • Edit how the volume and weight are calculated.

  • View the estimated total.

  • Note: If the Estimated Total card turns orange, that is an indication that you need to re-rate the shipment to recalculate the charges. To learn more about this, visit the Charges tab within this article.


This section shows all of the estimate information, including the quote number, binding type, tariff type, branch, and more. On an SM-100 estimate, your tariff type should always be set to SM-100 or whatever you have named the SM-100 Managed Tariff in your settings.

You can also use links at the bottom to see previous versions of the estimate sent to the customer, any activities completed on the estimate and who completed them, and any related documents.


Adding inventory to a move is the most accurate way to get the move's weight and volume to help calculate the price. You can request that the customer complete the inventory themselves, or you can complete the following steps to add it for them.

Add inventory to a move

  1. Open an opportunity and click the Estimate tab.

  2. Click Inventory.

  3. Click the Rooms dropdown, then complete the following steps:

    1. Click Add Room if the customer's home has rooms that aren't currently listed. Then select the Room Type, and name the room what the customer calls it. For example, a kid's room might be named Johnny's Room.

    2. Select one of the rooms to complete the room's inventory.

      Note: To remove a room, click the Settings menu to the right of the room name and click Remove Room.

  4. To add boxes to the room's inventory, click Carrier Pack if your company packed the box or Pack by Owner if the customer packed the box.

  5. Add additional items to the room using any of the following methods:

    • Click the category tab on the left and locate the item from the list.

    • Use the Search to enter a specific item name or short code from your master inventory list. For example, you can search "vacuum" or "479".

    • Click Add Custom Item to add anything not currently listed in your master inventory list.

  6. To add the item to the inventory, click the plus or minus to increase or decrease the number of items in the inventory.

    Note: To add a large number of the item, adjust the volume and weight, list an item as "not going," or add notes to the item, click the item's inventory number.

  7. Repeat steps 2-5 for every room included in the move.

  8. When the inventory is complete, ensure that the number of rooms, items, volume, and weight look accurate in the move summary.

  9. Click Back to Opportunity to automatically update the volume and weight to Inventory.

The Job Panel

This section allows you to view and update all of the job-specific information.

Select the job at the top of the panel to see the job overview, stops, charges, and notes for that specific job.

The Opportunity Total

This section shows the total cost for the opportunity, including all jobs, discounts, and taxes.


  • Charges on an SM-100 estimate can be edited by navigating to the Charges section of the estimate and selecting Manage Charges.

  • Clicking Managed Charges opens up the Shipment Rating window. In this window, you can manage your valuation, discounts, packing and unpacking, additional services, bulky items, and storage in transit (SIT). All pricing for changes made in this window will pull directly from the SM-100 managed tariff.

Managing Charges in the Shipment Rating Window

All progress you make in this window will save as you navigate between tabs. Each tab gives you the ability to select the Re-Rate Shipment button to exit the window and apply the changes, or you can make changes in all necessary tabs first and then select Re-Rate Shipment.

  • Pricing/Tariff/Valuation Tab

    • In this tab, you can select your valuation based on the dropdown menu. When you select a valuation type other than basic, you will fill in the declared amount.

    • You can set a minimum weight for this SM-100 estimate that will override any tariff level minimum weight.

    • In this tab, you can also set your discount type for this estimate. Select Bottom Line Discount to apply a discount among all services equally. If you select Group Discount, you can assign a custom discount percentage to one or more services. Reference the images below to see samples of each discount type.


  • Pack/Unpack Tab

    • To add packing charges to your estimate, you’ll need to first select either Full or Unit Pack. Packing charges will automatically sync with your inventory.

    • OT stands for "Over Time." This can be checked to indicate that OT will be required for this job.

    • If you need to override these or add unpacking charges you can select Manage Materials.

    • You can also add in any items that require crating, such as artwork or other high value pieces. Simply enter a description of the item and the length, width, and height and SmartMoving will calculate its volume.

  • Additional Services

    • In the Standard Services area, you can make any changes to the following:

    • Under additional services, add in any other services and their associated cost. See example below.

  • Bulky Items

    • In this section, you will input the quantity of any bulky items that are included in the job. Pricing for these items will pull directly from the SM-100 managed tariff.

  • Storage SIT (Storage in Transit)

    • In this tab, you can select the location from the dropdown menu, and then indicate the time in storage, weight, and distance.

  • Select Re-Rate Shipment once you have made all necessary changes in the Shipment Rating window. Doing this will update the charges in your estimate. The estimated total at the top of the estimate will also reflect the updated charges.

Other Sections of the Estimate Screen

The other sections on the right are for Payments, Surveys, Box Delivery, Inventory, and Tasks.

  • Notes: Add notes to the job. Your notes can be for internal use, customer-facing, or for the crew. Your crew can also send feedback to this section.

  • Payments: Add customer payments.

  • Survey: Schedule on-site or phone survey.

  • Box Delivery: Schedule a time to deliver empty boxes to a customer who wants to pack their belongs themselves using your boxes.

  • Inventory: View the inventory summary and lock or unlock the inventory. Note: The customer cannot edit their inventory when locked.

  • Tasks: Add or view tasks that need to be completed for the opportunity. For example, getting a certificate of insurance or parking permits.

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