We provide numerous methods of integrating your website's existing forms with SmartMoving. The JavaScript Lead Submission Library can be used when you have an existing form on your site, but you are unable to use one of the other methods we provide, such as our WordPress plugins.
This plugin does use JavaScript, so it only works if visitors to your site have JavaScript enabled. The vast majority of typical Internet users have JavaScript enabled, but we still require that your form have a fallback that will Email you on each submission, that way you won't miss leads when the user's browser has JavaScript disabled.
NOTE: Using this plugin requires you to make changes to the code for your website.
Getting Started
The first step to using the library is to find and customize your unique lead submission snippet. You can find this in your SmartMoving settings under Quote Form -> JavaScript Form.
Click on the snippet to copy it to your clipboard, then open the HTML file for the page that contains your form. Add the snippet to the bottom of the page, before the closing tag for the body element.
Add a Selector for Your Form
Once you've added the snippet to your page, you next need to set the selector for your form. This can be an ID or class selector. In this example, the form element is named "lead-form", so an ID selector is used:
Map Your Fields
Finally, you need to customize your field mapping. The standard snippet you've added to your page includes a mapping specification for each standard field. For each specification, change the "source" name to match the name of the corresponding element on your form.
You should remove any specifications that your form does not use.
Optional: Specify default values
You can optionally specify a default value for one or more fields. Default values will be passed to SmartMoving with whatever value you specify. For example, you could add a default for the branch, as in this example:
Testing Your Form
Once you've finished mapping your form fields, save your changes, and publish the updated file to your website. Perform a test submission of your form and verify that both of these are true:
The form continues to trigger whatever action it was previously performing, such as sending an Email
A lead has been created in your SmartMoving account from the information you submitted.