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Automatically Send a Move Review
Automatically Send a Move Review

After a job has been completed you can automatically send a move review email to your customer.

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over a week ago

Enable the Move Review Email

To enable to Move Review email to automatically be sent to your customers after a job has been completed and finalized, navigate to Settings -> Communication -> Email/SMS Templates. In the "After Job" section you will find the Move Review. Turn the toggle switch on to enable the email template to be sent.

Note: The toggle switch is green once enabled.

The Review Process

The Move Review email can be triggered to be sent from the mobile crew application or from the accounting tab, once a job has been completed and finalized. Once the job has been finalized a dialog box will populate allowing you to select to send the review to the customer. If you do not check this box, the review will not be sent to the customer.

Once your customer opens the email, they will find a button that states "Review Your Move". Once they press this button, they will be presented with a 1–5-star rating on their experience.

How Can I Get Reviews on My Social Media Sites?

If a customer gives their experience a 4 or a 5-star rating, they will be automatically prompted to leave you a public review on your social media pages. You can link your social media sites by navigating to Settings -> Company Settings -> Social Media.

What Happens to Low Reviews?

If your crew members receive a 1 to 3-star review a customer service ticket is automatically created for you and any emails that are listed on your Distribution List for Low Review Received Notification will be notified of the low review by email. The client will not be prompted to leave you a public review on your social media sites, but will instead be asked, "Why was the service subpar?".

Where Can I View My Crew Ratings?

By navigating to Customer Service -> Ratings you are able to view all of the recent crew ratings that your company has received. You are able to filter the ratings by branch and for different periods of time.

We also have a Crew Ratings report available in the Reports module. You are able to print this report or export it. You can also filter this report by branch and different periods of time.


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