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Track a Job with a Remaining Balance

An overview of how to track outstanding balances from the Account Balances section.

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over 5 months ago

When a job is completed, you have the option to take a payment or to complete the job and carry the balance. If you choose to complete the job and carry the balance the job will then be reflected in the Account Balances section of the accounting module.

Complete a Job and Carry the Balance

To complete a job and carry the balance means that you are marking the job as completed, but that the payment will be collected at a later time. You are able to complete a job and carry the balance both from the mobile crew application and from the office in the accounting section.

From the Office

To close a job and carry the balance from the office you will simply select Close Out Job when there is still a balance remaining on the job.

From the Crew Application

To close a job and carry the balance from the crew application, your crew will first complete the finalize wizard for the job. Once the job has been finalized, the crew member will be brought to a screen where they are given two options: one is to take a payment and the other is to complete the job and carry the balance. In this case, your crew member will select Complete Job and Carry Balance. This will allow for payment to be collected at a later date.

Account Balances

Once the job has been completed the remaining balance is then reflected in your account balances section. This section helps you to keep track of outstanding balances that still need to be collected. From this section, you are able to quickly view key details about the job.

  • Customer: The name of the customer.

  • Quote #: The job number. This field is clickable and can be opened in a new tab. The quote number will take you directly to the accounting page for that job.

  • Service Date: The date that the job took place.

  • Invoice Sent At: The date that the invoice was sent to the customer. If multiple invoices have been sent to the customer, the most recent date that the invoice was sent will be used.

  • Amount: The amount that the customer was invoiced for.

  • Payments: The total of any payments that have been made so far.

  • Balance: The remaining amount that is owed by the customer for the job.

To change which branch is being viewed click on the drop-down menu and select the branch that you want to view the account balances for.

The total amount of jobs that have a balance can also be viewed at the top of the page to quickly refer to.

Want to learn more?

Check out our Payment Settings article.

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