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Automate Storage Billing

Automatically charge and send monthly invoices to the customers in your storage warehouse.

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over a year ago

Automating your storage billing is a great feature that SmartMoving has to offer. You can adjust the settings of each storage account to allow you to customize the workflow that you want to have for your warehouse.

Your storage accounts can be set to be automatically charged each month if there is a card on file for that account. You can also remove the need to manually send invoices each month to each of your storage accounts. Per storage account, you can also designate to waive late fees when an account is past due.

Enable Auto Collection for a Storage Account

Step 1: From the Storage module, navigate to the storage account that you would like to enable the automatic collection setting.

Step 2: From the storage account page, locate the Customer Information section.

Step 3: From the Customer Information section, locate the Auto-Collection setting.

Step 4: To enable this storage account to be automatically charged using the card on file each month on their set billing cycle due date, select Yes from the drop-down menu.

Note: If you do not wish for the card on file to be automatically charged each month, select No.

Enable Monthly Invoices to be Automatically Sent

If there is a card on file for an account or not, the account can be set to be automatically sent their invoice each month.

Step 1: From the Storage module, navigate to the storage account that you would like to enable the automatic invoice setting.

Step 2: From the storage account page, locate the Customer Information section.

Step 3: From the Customer Information section, locate the Auto-Send Monthly Invoice setting.

Step 4: To enable the monthly invoice to be automatically sent out to this customer, select Yes from the drop-down menu.

Note: If you do not wish for the storage account to be automatically sent an invoice each month select No.

Enable Late Fees to be Waived

Step 1: From the Storage module, navigate to the storage account that you would like to waive the late fees for.

Step 2: From the storage account page, locate the Customer Information section.

Step 3: From the Customer Information section, locate the Waive Late Fees setting.

Step 4: To waive the late fees for this account if their invoice is past due, select Yes from the drop-down menu.

Note: If you wish to note waive the late fees and wish to charge late fees once the invoice is past due for this account, select No.


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