Maximum Hours Per Job

How Does the Maximum Hours Setting Function in the Auto-Pricing Engine?

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over a week ago

The Auto-Pricing Engine's Maximum Hours Per Job setting will ensure that your crew members are never working more than the maximum number of hours per job in a day. This means, that if the estimated total billable time is greater than the maximum number of hours settings, SmartMoving will adjust your estimated crew count until the total billable time is below your maximum hours.

Maximum Hours Per Job

To configure this setting, you will navigate to your tariff settings and to your Auto-Pricing Engine. Here, you will find the field for Maximum Hours Per Job. Enter the maximum number of hours that you want your crew members to work per job. SmartMoving will then look at the total billable time on a job and add on additional crew members to the job to bring the total billable time below the maximum number of hours per job.

Note: If the setting to Automatically Add Resources Based on Auto-Pricing Settings is not enabled, then the Auto-Pricing Engine will not automatically add additional resources beyond the crew sizes that you have configured in your tariff settings. To learn more about this feature visit our article, Enable Per-Additional Truck and Crew Hourly Rates.

What if the Non-Labor Time is Greater than the Labor Time?

There may be jobs from time to time where the non-labor time is greater than the labor time. This time can be made up of the time it takes the crew to travel from the origin to the destination, the travel time, and the handicaps on the job. If the non-labor time is greater than the labor time, then SmartMoving will not add additional crew members to the estimated crew count to decrease the total billable time.

For example, your maximum hours per job is set to 10 hours and you create a job where the total billable time is 15 hours. Of those 15 hours though, 10 of the hours are spent traveling from the origin to the destination.

From the example above you can see that the Auto-Pricing Engine did not add on additional crew members to bring the billable time below the maximum hours per job. In this scenario adding additional crew members to the job would not have decreased the total billable time, because the non-labor time on the job is greater than the labor time. Additional crew members will not affect the non-labor time and decrease the time spent traveling from the origin to the destination.


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