If you haven't already, first watch the training video! Here we're just going to give the bare-bone synopsis as a reference point.
Remember, these samples are only a starting point! It's very important that you customize your campaigns to differentiate yourself for your market!
Value Building Campaign
Trigger: New Subscriber
Filters: Any one of SM_LEAD, SM_OPPORTUNITY, or SM_BOOKED tags.
Sample campaign
Day 1: Tips on comparing moving estimates
Day 2: Moving checklist download
Day 3: Moving mistakes to avoid
Day 4: Pet lover tips
Day 5: Packing tips
Day 7: ...
Day 10: ...
Day 14: ...
Day 21: ...
Day 30: Add to newsletter campaign
Re-engagement Campaign
Trigger: Date Based, for SM_JOBDATE
Filters: Any one of SM_COMPLETED, SM_LOST, or SM_CANCELLED tags.
Sample campaign
305 days after job date: 10 months! Where does the time go?
320 days after job date: Don't forget your gift certificate.
335 days after job date: Are you moving again?
350 days after job date: Wow, it's almost a year!
365 days after job date: Happy Anniversary!