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Document Widgets and Tags / Tokens
Document Widgets and Tags / Tokens

What are the different widgets and tags in the document editor?

Matt Honeycutt avatar
Written by Matt Honeycutt
Updated over 10 months ago

The document editor supports both complex widgets and simple tags.  Widgets can be found to the left of the editor, while tags are above the editor area:


Header - The "standard" document header that includes your company logo, name, and contact information.

Move Overview - Widget that displays customer information, origin, stops (if any), and destination.

2 Column Layout - Simple container for displaying content in two columns.

3 Column Layout - Simple container for displaying content in three columns.

Page Break - Adds a page break to the PDF that is generated.  The page break occurs wherever you add this widget.  Do not add this in a container, as it may not work correctly.

Table w/ Border - Adds a table similar to the editor's built-in table control, but the table is styled with visible borders.

Inventory Page - Adds a pre-formatted page that displays details of the customer's inventory.

Job Timeline - Widget that will display the crew's timeline, such as when they arrived, when they started loading/unloading, etc.

Signature Box (Required) - Adds a signature control that is flagged as being required.  Required signature controls on contracts will trigger a warning if they are not filled out.

Signature Box (Optional) - Adds a signature control.

Initials Box (Required) - Adds an initials control that is flagged as being required.  Required initials controls on contracts will trigger a warning if they are not filled out.

Initials Box (Optional) - Adds an initials control.

Textbox - Adds a single-line textbox control that can be filled out by the crew or customer in the SmartMoving mobile application.

Textarea - Adds a multi-line text control that can be filled out by the crew or customer in the SmartMoving mobile application.

Checkbox - Adds a checkbox control that can be checked/unchecked in the SmartMoving mobile application.


Company Tags

Note: Company tags can be overridden by branch-level settings.  

Address - The full, formatted address for your company.  This can be changed in your SmartMoving settings.  

Logo - Your company logo image, if configured.  If you haven't uploaded a logo, this will be the name of your company.  

Name - The name of your company.  

Phone Number - Your company phone number.  This can be updated in your SmartMoving settings

State License Number - Your state license number, if any is configured.  This token will be blank if you haven't added a license number.

Customer Tags

Customer and Contact Names (List) - This will list the name of the primary customer as well as any contacts that have been configured.

Email - The Email address for the primary customer.

Name - The full name of the primary customer.

Phone Number - The primary phone number of the primary customer.

Stop Tags

Destination (Formatted) - A formatted version of the destination address, including the street, city, state, and zip code. 

Destination City - The destination's city, if set.

Destination Country - The destinations county, if set.

Destination Flights of Stairs - Number of flights of stairs at the destination.

Destination Has Elevator (Yes or No) - If the destination has an elevator handicap added or not.

Destination Parking - Description of parking at the destination location.

Destination Property Type - Property type for the destination

Destination State - The destination's state, if set

Destination Street - The destination's street, if set

Destination Unit Number - The destination's unit number, if set

Destination Zip - The destination's zip/postal code, if set

Distance (Destination to Office) - The distance in miles from the destination back to the branch/office location.

Distance (Max Radius) - The maximum distance between the branch/office and any stop on the job (including the origin and destination).

Distance (Office to Origin) - The distance in miles from the office to the origin location.

Distance (Origin to Destination) - The distance in miles from the origin, through any stops, to the final destination.

Distance (Round Trip) - The distance in miles from the office to the origin, through any stops, to the final destination, and back to the office/branch location.

Origin City - The origin's city, if set.

Origin County - The origin's county, if set.

Origin Flights of Stairs - Number of flights of stairs at the origin.

Origin Has Elevator (Yes or No) - If the origin has an elevator handicap added or not.

Origin Parking - Description of parking at the origin location.

Origin Property Type - Property type for the origin

Origin State - The origin's state, if set

Origin Street - The origin's street, if set

Origin Unit Number - The origin's unit number, if set

Origin Zip - The origin's zip/postal code, if set

Stops (Formatted) - The full, formatted address list for all stops on a job. 

Job Information Tags

Accounting Notes - Any accounting notes that have been entered on the job.

Arrival Window - The description of the job's arrival window.  You can configure your arrival window descriptions in your SmartMoving settings.

Binding or Non-Binding - This tag will be replaced with "Binding" on binding/flat-rate jobs, and "Non-Binding" on non-binding jobs. 

Crew Feedback - Any feedback that has been entered into the "Crew Feedback" field.

Crew Members List - Comma-separated list of crew member names

Crew Notes - Any crew notes that have been entered.

Customer Notes - Any customer notes that have been entered.

Estimate Created Date - The date the estimate was originally created.

Estimated Drive Time (1.5 hours) - The estimated drive time, formatted as a decimal number.

Estimated Drive Time (1h 30m) - The estimated drive time, formatted as an hour component and a minute component. 

Estimated Travel Time (1.5 hours) - The estimated travel time (office to origin plus destination to office), formatted as a decimal number.

Estimated Travel Time (1h 30m) - The estimated travel time (office to origin plus destination to office), formatted as an hour component and a minute component. 

Estimator Name - The full name of the estimator assigned to the job.

Estimator First Name - The first name of the estimator assigned to the job.

Estimator Email - The email address of the estimator assigned to the job.

Estimator Phone Number - The office phone number of the estimator assigned to the job.

Internal Notes - Any internal notes that have been entered.

Job Date - The date of the job.

Job Date (Day of Week) - The day of the week that the job occurs on (ex: Monday, Tuesday, etc).

Job End Date - The end date/drop-off date for the job, if any.

Job Number - The job number.

Job Type - The type of the job (ie: Moving, Packing, Junk Haul, etc).

Lead Created Date - The date the lead was originally received or created in the system.

Minimum Job Hours - The minimum number of hours for the job.

Move Size Description - The description for the job's chosen move size.  This can be customized in your SmartMoving settings.

Move Size Name - The job's chosen move size.  Move sizes can be customized in your SmartMoving settings.

Not-to-Exceed Amount - The "not-to-exceed" amount, if any was entered.

Number of Crew - The number of crew estimated for the job.

Number of Trucks - The number of trucks estimated for the job.

Pricing Type - The pricing type used for the estimate (ie: Hourly or Mileage-Rated)

Referral Source - The name of the referral source.

Sales Person Name - The full name of the sales person assigned to the job.

Sales Person First Name - The first name of the sales person assigned to the job.

Sales Person Email - The email address of the sales person assigned to the job.

Sales Person Phone Number - The office phone number of the sales person assigned to the job.

Tags - The list of any tags that have been applied to the estimate.

Total Estimated Time (1h 30m) - The total estimated time of the job, formatted as an hour and minute component.

Total Estimated Time (8.25 hours) - The total estimated time of the job, formatted as a decimal.

Volume - The volume specified for the job.

Weight - The weight specified for the job.

Valuation Cost-Per-$100 - The cost-per-hundred dollar amount of the assigned valuation option.

Valuation Cost-Per-$100 (Description) - A text version of the cost-per-hundred dollar amount of the assigned valuation option (configurable in your valuation settings).

Valuation Deductible - The deductible amount of the assigned valuation option.

Valuation Description - The description of the assigned valuation option.

Valuation Value - The estimated value for valuation purposes.

Valuation Options - A list of all the valuation options and their corresponding costs. 

NOTE: The following tokens are repeated for each valuation option you define in your settings.

Valuation: (Option Name) - Name - The name you've assigned to the valuation option.

Valuation: (Option Name) - Contract Description - The contract description you've set for the valuation option.

Valuation: (Option Name) - Deductible - The deductible you've set for the valuation option.

Valuation: (Option Name) - Cost - The cost for the valuation option.

Valuation: (Option Name) - Estimate Total - The total estimated cost for the job if the option was chosen.

Note: Tariff tokens only apply to Mileage-Rated jobs

Tariff Calculated Discount Amount - If a discount was entered on a mileage-rated job, this will be the amount of the discount.

Tariff Cost Before Discount - The estimated tariff cost before any discount.

Tariff Cost Per Unit - The "per unit" (ie: per pound, hundred pound, etc) cost from the tariff.

Tariff Description - The tariff's configured description.

Tariff Discount (% or amount) - The amount of the chosen discount. 

Tariff Group Name - The tariff's name.

Tariff Group Type - The tariff's type.

Truck List - Lists the names of trucks (if any) that are associated to the job via dispatch.

Truck 1 Name - The name of the first truck associated to the job via dispatch, if any.

Truck 2 Name - The name of the second truck associated to the job via dispatch, if any.

Truck 3 Name - The name of the third truck associated to the job via dispatch, if any.

Truck 4 Name - The name of the fourth truck associated to the job via dispatch, if any.

Truck 5 Name - The name of the fifth truck associated to the job via dispatch, if any.

Note: The following tokens only apply to Opportunity Documents, not Job Documents.

Number of Trucks (Job X) - The number of trucks on the matching job. If the job is completed, uses the final number, otherwise the estimated. Supports "Job 01" through "Job 10". Opportunity documents only.

Number of Crew (Job X) - The number of crew on the matching job. If the job is completed, uses the final number, otherwise the estimated. Supports "Job 01" through "Job 10". Opportunity documents only.

Charge Tags

Additional Services Table - A table that lists all the additional services added to a job. 

Additional Services Total - The total cost of all additional services added to a job.

Actual Opportunity Total: The total for the entire opportunity once the job has been finalized.

All Charges Table (Wide) - A table that shows all the charges for a job.  This table will stretch to fill whatever container you place it into.

All Charges Table (Narrow) - A table that shows all the charges for a job. This table will stretch to fill whatever container you place it into, but is designed to fit better into smaller containers.

All Fees Table (Wide) - A table that shows all the fees for a job.  This table will stretch to fill whatever container you place it into.  It does not include entries for things like materials, additional services, or labor.

Balance - The balance due on the opportunity.  This token has no value until the opportunity has been finalized on non-binding opportunities.

Cost for Minimum Hours - The cost for the job based on the minimum hours, if any.

Detailed Payment List - A list of all payments made for a job. 

Discounts - The total dollar amount of all discounts applied to a job.

Double Drive Time - The amount of double drive time charged for a job, if any.

Double Drive Time or Travel Time - The amount of double drive time charged for a job, if any, otherwise the travel time charged for a job, if any.

End Time - The end time of the job.

Estimated Balance - The estimated balance due.

Estimated Charges Table (Wide) - Preformatted table of all estimated charges.

Estimated Charges Table (Narrow) - A narrow preformatted table of all estimated charges.

Estimated Fuel Surcharge Fee - The estimated total for all fuel surcharge fees.

Estimated Job Total - The estimated total for the job.

Estimated Labor Charge - The estimated labor charges for the job.

Estimated Other Fees (total) - The estimated total for all "other" fees that were added to a job.

Estimated Opportunity Total - The total cost that is estimated l for the entire opportunity.

Estimated Subtotal - The estimated subtotal before taxes. 

Estimated Taxes - The estimated taxes.

Estimated Travel Time Fee - The estimated travel time fee dollar amount, if any.

Estimated Trip Fee - The estimated trip fee dollar amount, if any.

Estimated Truck Fee - The estimated truck fee dollar amount, if any.

Final or Estimated Balance - The final balance due for the opportunity if the opportunity has been finalized, otherwise the estimated balance is due.

Final or Estimated Job Total - The final job total if the job has been billed, otherwise the estimated job total.

Final or Estimated Labor Charge - The final labor charge if the job has been billed, otherwise the estimated labor charge.

Final or Estimated Subtotal - The final subtotal before taxes and tips if the opportunity has been finalized, otherwise the estimated subtotal.

Final or Estimated Tax - The final tax amount if the opportunity has been finalized, otherwise the estimated tax amount.

Fuel Surcharge Fee - The fuel surcharge dollar amount, if any.

Hourly Rate - The hourly rate.

Hours Billed - The number of hours billed for the job.

Invoice Date - For invoice documents, this is the date the invoice was created. 

Job Total - The total amount of the job.  This value is blank if the job hasn't been billed for non-binding jobs. 

Labor Charge - The total labor charge for the job.  This value is blank if the job hasn't been billed for non-binding jobs. 

Labor Hours - The labor hours billed on the job.

Materials Table - A table of the materials that have been added to the job. 

Materials Table (All) - A table that lists all materials, even those that haven't been added to a job. 

Materials Table (Detailed) - A table that lists all materials, even those that haven't been added to a job. 

Materials Total - The total cost for all materials added to the job.

Other Fees (total) - The total of all fees added to the job.

Paid (Stamp) - Replaced by a "stamp" that says "PAID," if the job is billed and has a zero balance.

Price Range Low - The low-end of the price range (if configured).

Price Range High - The high-end of the price range (if configured).

Start Time - The start time of the job.

Subtotal - The subtotal of the job.  This value is blank if the job hasn't been billed for non-binding jobs. 

Tax Rate - The sales tax rate that is set for the job.

Taxes - The total taxes for the job.  This value is blank if the job hasn't been billed for non-binding jobs. 

Time Deducted - The total amount of time deducted from the job.

Tips - The total tips.

Total Payments - The total of all payments made on the job.

Travel Time - The total travel time for the job.

Travel Time Fee -  The travel time fee dollar amount, if any.

Trip Fee - The trip fee dollar amount, if any.  

Truck Fee - The truck fee dollar amount, if any.  

Valuation Fee - The assessed valuation fee.

Note: The following tokens only apply to Opportunity Documents, not Job Documents.

Start Time (Job X) - The start time of the matching job, if completed. Supports "Job 01" through "Job 10". Opportunity documents only.

End Time (Job X) - The end time of the matching job, if completed. Supports "Job 01" through "Job 10". Opportunity documents only.

Hours Billed (Job X) - The hours billed on the matching job if completed. If not completed, uses the estimated amount. Supports "Job 01" through "Job 10". Opportunity documents only.

Hourly Rate (Job X) - The hourly rate charged on the matching job if completed. If not completed, uses the estimated hourly rate. Supports "Job 01" through "Job 10". Opportunity documents only.

Storage Tags

NOTE: Most storage estimate tags will be blank if there is no storage estimate on the job or opportunity.

Date In - The date of the move in to storage.

Date Out (Est.) - The estimated date out, if any.

Volume - Storage volume.

Weight - Storage weight.

Storage Type (SIT or Perm) - The type of the storage estimate.

Total Monthly Storage Charges - The total estimated monthly storage storages.

Recurring Storage - Rate Type - The rate type for recurring storage (ie: By CWT, By Container, etc).

Recurring Storage - Per CWT (First Day) - The per CWT charge for the first day in storage.

Recurring Storage - Per CWT (Add'l Day) - The per CWT charge for each additional day in storage.

Recurring Storage - # of Containers - The estimated number of containers.

Recurring Storage - Per Container Fee - The charge per container.

Recurring Storage - Flat Rate Amount - The flat rate amount for recurring storage.

Recurring Storage - Total - The total estimated charge for recurring storage.

Recurring Storage - Description of Charge - A readable description of the charges based on the recurring storage rate type.

Warehouse Address - The full address of the warehouse

Warehouse Handling - Rate Type - The rate type for warehouse handling (ie: By CWT, By Hour, etc).

Warehouse Handling - Per CWT - The per CWT charge.

Warehouse Handling - # of Containers - The number of containers.

Warehouse Handling - Per Container Fee - The charge per contianer.

Warehouse Handling - # of Crew - The estimated number of crew.

Warehouse Handling - Hourly Rate - The estimated hourly rate.

Warehouse Handling - # of Hours - The estimated time.

Warehouse Handling - Description of Charge - A readable description of the charges based on the warehouse handling rate type.

Warehouse Handling - Total - The total estimated charge for warehouse handling.

Warehouse Name - The name of the warehouse.

Oversized Items - List - A comma-separated list of the oversized items on the estimate.

Oversized Items - Table - A table of oversized items on the estimate.

Oversized Items - Table (All) - A table of all oversized items that are defined in your settings.

Oversized Items - Total - The total estimated monthly cost for oversized items.

Valuation - Rate Type - The rate type for valuation (ie: Flat Rate or By CWT).

Valuation - Flat Rate Amount - The flat rate amount for valuation.

Valuation - Per CWT - The per CWT amount for valuation.

Valuation - Total - The total estimated charge for valuation.

Valuation - Description of Charge - A readable description of the charges based on the valuation rate type.

Discounts - List of discounts - A list of discounts applied to the storage estimate.

Trip Tags

NOTE: Trip information tags will be blank if trip information has not been added to the estimate.

Packing Date First Day - The date of the first packing job on an opportunity or the first moving and packing job. If neither a packing job nor a moving and packing job are included in the opportunity, this field will be blank.

Packing Date Last Day - The date of the first packing job on an opportunity or the first moving and packing job. If neither a packing job nor a moving and packing job are included in the opportunity, this field will be blank.

Pickup Spread First Available Date - The first part of the pickup spread.

Pickup Spread Last Available Date - The last part of the pickup spread.

Pickup Confirmed Date - The confirmed pickup date.

Pickup Preferred Time - The start of the preferred pickup time window (ex: "8:00am").

Pickup Preferred Time Duration - The length of the pickup window (ex: 4h 30m).

Pickup Spread (Formatted) - The pickup spread formatted with long dates (ex: October 4, 2020 - October 10, 2020).

Pickup Spread (Formatted Short) - The pickup spread formatted with short dates (ex: 10/4/2020 - 10/10/2020).

Pickup Time Range - The pickup time window (ex: 8:00am - 12:00pm).

Delivery Spread First Available Date - The first part of the delivery spread.

Delivery Spread Last Available Date - The last part of the delivery spread.

Delivery Confirmed Date - The confirmed delivery date.

Delivery Preferred Time - The start of the preferred delivery time window (ex: "8:00am").

Delivery Preferred Time Duration - The length of the delivery window (ex: 4h 30m).

Delivery Spread (Formatted) - The delivery spread formatted with long dates (ex: October 4, 2020 - October 10, 2020).

Delivery Spread (Formatted Short) - The delivery spread formatted with short dates (ex: 10/4/2020 - 10/10/2020).

Delivery Time Range - The delivery time window (ex: 8:00am - 12:00pm).

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