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Tariff Configuration Hub

This article will serve as your hub for information related to tariff set-up in SmartMoving.

Lauren Greener avatar
Written by Lauren Greener
Updated over a month ago

Common Settings

In this section, you'll learn: How to configure basic settings such as name, branch, volume to weight ratio, and minimum booking amount for each tariff.

To edit your common tariff settings, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff to open the tariff menu.

The tariff common settings consist of the following details:



Tariff Name

The name of the tariff

Volume to Weight Ratio

The density factor the system uses to calculate the weight of the move. The density factor is multiplied by the cubic feet of the shipment to estimate the shipment weight. 7 is the most common density factor.

Note: This number is the default for all estimates, but you can change it on any individual estimate.

Applies to Branches

The branches that use the tariff

Applies to Opportunity Types

The type of opportunities this tariff applies to: All, Local, Intrastate, or Interstate.

Minimum Booking Amount

The minimum value a move must have before it can be booked.

Note: A Sales Manager can override this setting when necessary.

Auto-Pricing Engine

In this section, you'll learn: How to adjust your auto-pricing engine to improve the accuracy of your estimates.

The Auto-Pricing Engine will determine how many crew members and trucks are needed to move a load and how long the job is going to take. Our out of the box Auto-Pricing Engine settings are based on averages in the moving industry. To ensure that your estimates are accurate for your company, you may need to adjust the Auto-Pricing Engine. The Auto-Pricing Engine will apply to jobs where the service type is moving.

Note: If the setting to Automatically Add Resources Based on Auto-Pricing Settings is not enabled, then the Auto-Pricing Engine will not automatically add additional resources beyond the crew sizes that you have configured in your tariff settings. To learn more about this feature click on the section titled, "Enable Per-Additional Truck and Crew Hourly Rates" from the table of contents within this article.

Maximum Hours Per Job

This is the maximum number of hours that can be worked per job. Instead of going beyond this maximum number, the Auto-Pricing Engine will adjust your estimated crew count. To prevent the crew members from working unusually long hours, another crew member will be added to the estimate. However, In the case that the travel time is more than the labor time, SmartMoving will not add on additional crew members to the estimate.

Crew Ability

Your crew ability can be based on volume or weight per hour. For each crew size, you will enter the cubic feet or pounds that the crew is able to move per hour. When an opportunity is created, the Auto-Pricing Engine will view the volume or weight of the shipment and estimate the number of crew members that will be needed based on the crew's ability by the hour. This will also help SmartMoving to determine how long to estimate that the job is going to take.

For example, according to the Auto-Pricing Engine included below a one-man crew can move 350 pounds per hour and a four-man crew can move 1400 pounds per hour.

To adjust this setting to be based on weight per hour instead of volume per hour, click on the drop-down menu and select Weight (lbs.) per hour.

Crew Required

Based on the volume or weight of the shipment, this setting will determine when the Auto-Pricing Engine will need to add on an additional crew member to your estimated crew count. Once the volume or weight of the shipment goes beyond the threshold that is set, the Auto-Pricing Engine will add an additional crew member to your estimate.

For example, if the volume of the shipment is beyond 1150 cu ft, the Auto-Pricing Engine will estimate that 5 crew members are needed for the job.

A minimum crew size can also be selected for this setting. This will instruct the Auto-Pricing Engine to never estimate a smaller crew size than what is indicated in this field.

Trucks Required

The number of trucks that are required for a job based on the volume or weight of the shipment. Once the volume or weight of the shipment reaches beyond the threshold that you have entered, the Auto-Pricing Engine, will assign an additional truck to the job.

For example, the weight of the shipment is 45000 lbs., and so there will be 6 trucks estimated for the job.

Set Up Auto-Pricing Rules

In this section, you'll learn: How to create rules that automatically apply fees to an estimate if certain conditions are met.

You can set auto-pricing rules that automatically apply fees to an estimate if certain conditions are met.

Important: Before you set automation rules, you must first set your trip and travel fees, fuel surcharges, shuttle fees, and additional service fees. See the section of this article titled Set Your Fee Pricing for more details.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page.

  2. Click the name of a tariff.

  3. Click Auto-Pricing Rules.

  4. Click Add Rule, enter a name for the rule, and click Add.

  5. Locate the rule you created and select when the rule will apply.

    1. Rule ALWAYS applies: Rule applies to all estimates.

    2. If ANY of the following conditions are met: Rule applies if any conditions are met.

    3. If ALL of the following conditions are met: Rule applies if all conditions are met.

  6. Click Add Conditions, select which conditions must be met, then click Save Changes.

    Note: Conditions won't apply if "Rule ALWAYS applies" is selected.

  7. Click Select Fees, choose the fee(s) that will apply, then click Save Changes.

    • For help updating the default fee amount, see <this article>. You don't need to create separate fees for Double Drive Time or Include Travel Time in Estimated Time—they are automatically available.

  8. Click the toggle to activate the rule, then click Save Changes.

When the conditions for a rule are met, the fees will automatically apply to the estimate. You can view and edit these fees under the Charges section of the estimate.

Example Fees

The following are examples of fee rules that a moving company may want to set up.

  • Rule ALWAYS Applies

  • If ANY conditions are met

  • If ALL conditions are met

Enable Per-Additional Truck and Crew Hourly Rates

In this section, you'll learn: How to enable the ability to automatically add resources based on auto-pricing settings.

This feature will allow the Auto Pricing Engine to determine how many crew members or trucks it will take for your company to complete a job and charge the applicable hourly rate, based on the estimated crew size or estimated number of trucks needed for the job.

You can enable this setting per tariff and pricing type. You are able to enable this feature for your hourly moving rates, flat rate plus hourly moving rates, packing rates, and your flat rate plus hourly packing rates. When a new tariff is created, this feature will be enabled by default. SmartMoving will populate values for you in this section, based on your current hourly rates.

If this feature is not enabled, SmartMoving will estimate the number of crew members and trucks necessary for the job, based on the hourly rates that you have configured in your tariff. Meaning, if you have hourly rates configured for up to a 6-man crew, SmartMoving will not estimate that more than 6 crew members are necessary for a job.

How to Enable Per Additional Truck and Crew

  1. Locate the Item labeled, Automatically Add Resources Based on Auto-Pricing Settings and turn the toggle switch to on. The toggle switch will be green once enabled.

  2. Enter the additional rate you will charge per hour for any crew members or trucks that are estimated for the job. Repeat this process for each day of the week.

How Does this Work?

If this feature is enabled and you create an opportunity, the Auto-Pricing Engine will estimate how many crew members and trucks you should dispatch to the job, beyond the hourly rates that you have configured based on crew size.

For example, you create an opportunity and based on your Auto Pricing Engine, SmartMoving estimates that a job will need 10 crew members to complete the job. You have hourly rates configured for up to a 5-man crew and the feature to automatically add resources based on Auto-Pricing settings enabled.

SmartMoving will use the per additional crew member amount to calculate your hourly rate for a 10-man crew. The same would go for a job that needs additional trucks to be dispatched.

Set Off-Peak, Peak, and Other Pricing Periods

In this section, you'll learn: How to configure your tariff pricing periods.

Pricing periods are specific dates that require different prices than the normal default pricing (for example, peak rates). By setting up pricing periods, SmartMoving will automatically price your jobs based on the date of the job and the pricing period that matches that date.

To edit your pricing periods, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Periods from the left menu.

The default pricing period includes all dates, as this is your normal, standard pricing. All other periods define a date range that overrides the default rates for the days you specify. If your company doesn't implement peak rates, just define prices for the default period.

If additional periods are specified you will be given the option to set up multiple rates for each of the tariff pricing methods, such as hourly rates, packing rates, valuation, etc.

You can have an unlimited number of periods, but the order that the periods are listed, determines their priority. Meaning, whichever order they are listed in, SmartMoving will start at the top and match your move date to the first date range or specific date that the move date matches, in order to select which period to use.

To reorder your rates into the correct order, use the reorder icon on the left-hand side to drag and drop the periods into the correct order.

Set Up Hourly Moving Rates

In this section, you'll learn: How to configure hourly rates and flat rate, plus hourly options.

To customize your pricing per hour, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Hourly Moving Rates from the left menu.

Standard Hourly Charges

Hourly charges let you set up an hourly rate for each crew size and optionally charge an additional hourly amount for additional trucks.

Hourly Rates

Rates are determined by a set hourly rate that corresponds with the day of the week and crew size. You can also specify a minimum number of hours to be billed for each day of the week that will override any billable hours that fall below this threshold.

Charging Extra for Trucks

If the number of trucks you send on a job impacts the hourly rate, you'll want to enable the "Do your hourly rates vary by the number of trucks?" toggle.

Enabling this setting will allow you to specify a different rate for the various truck counts. To add additional trucks/rates to your settings click the "Add Truck" option once the above setting is turned on and you can specify the rate adjustment for each line item.

In the example below, the 4 man crew rates on Monday would be the following:

  • 4 Crew - Labor Only (no trucks) = $225/hour

  • 4 Crew - 1 truck included = $245/hour

  • 4 Crew - 2 trucks included = $265/hour

Important: The truck rates are not an additional hourly rate that is added to the labor-only rate, it should be the full rate that you would charge for that crew size and number of trucks.

Flat Rate Plus Hourly

You can charge a combination of a flat rate plus an hourly fee. This allows you to bundle trip fees, fuel surcharges, etc. into the initial rate to avoid having them listed as individual line items in the estimate.

A flat rate is charged for the minimum hours. Once the minimum hours are exceeded, an hourly rate is charged for any additional hours.

To set your flat rate plus hourly rates,

  1. In the Monday column, enter the minimum hours.

  2. In the first box for 1 Crew, enter the total cost for the minimum hours.

  3. In the second box for 1 Crew, enter the cost per hour for each additional hour over the minimum.

  4. Repeat for all crew sizes and days of the week.

Set up Long Distance Rates

In this section, you'll learn: How to set distance rates to charge by weight or volume and mileage instead of hourly.

Local moves are typically charged by the hour, but that model doesn't work as well for long-distance moves. Longer moves are often charged by the number of miles you're traveling and how much weight or volume you're carrying.

Distance rates help you easily set your long-distance or short-haul rates to price by either weight or volume and mileage.

To add or edit your distance rates, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Distance Rates from the left menu.

To create a new distance rate, follow the steps below:

Step 1: Set the details.

To add a new distance rate, click New Distance Rate.

Add a name for the rate, then select a type and "cost per" option.

  • The most common choice is by weight per 100 pounds, but you can also choose "by volume" to charge by the cubic feet of the shipment inside the truck. To charge by a flat rate, you can either choose "flat by weight" or "flat by volume." To learn more about creating a flat rate tariff read Flat by Weight or Volume Distance Rates.

If you have selected to price by weight or by volume, you will next select whether or not you will use breakpoints.

  • Breakpoints let you know at which point it would be cheaper for the customer to be charged for the next weight/cwt tier up. When enabled, breakpoints will automatically apply a larger weight/cwt to a shipment that exceeds the breakpoint.

  • For example, a 1,700-pound shipment falls into the 1,000-1,999-weight tier, which is $54 per 100 pounds. But because the breakpoint is 1,630, the customer will automatically be charged for the 2,000-3,900-weight tier, which is $44 per 100 pounds.

Step 2: Choose mileage ranges.

Pick the beginning number for each mileage range.

  • For example, if your ranges will be 0-9, 10-29, 30-49, 50-99, etc., then you'll enter a new range starting value for 0, 10, 30, 50, etc.

Step 3: Choose weight ranges

Pick the beginning number for each weight range.

  • For example, if your ranges are 1,000-1,900, 2,000-3,900, etc., then you'll enter a new range starting value for 1,000, 2,000, etc.

Step 4: Set the price

The rates table shows your mileage ranges on the left and your weight/volume ranges along the top. Enter all your rates for the first column.

Step 5: Complete the table

Once your first column is set, click Auto-Scale Rates to complete the rest of your table. This lets you scale the rest of the rates by a fixed percentage.

  • For example, if you set your Auto-Scale Rates Percentage to 10%, the rest of the table will fill in automatically based on this percentage. You'll also see a preview of the rates.

You can edit your ranges any time by clicking the three dot menu next to the rate, then select Edit Period Rates. You can then edit the rates or click Edit Mileage Ranges or Edit Weight Ranges to change the table set up.

Flat by Weight or Volume Distance Rates

In this section, you'll learn: How to configure a distance rate that charges by flat weight or flat volume.

Distance rates are used to price your long-distance or short-haul rates. The most common way to price a long-distance job is by the weight per hundred pounds. SmartMoving also offers the option to price your distance rates by volume or a flat rate. You can charge "flat by weight" or "flat by volume" to price by a flat rate.

To add or edit your distance rates, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Distance Rates from the left menu.

Configure a Flat Rate Distance Rate

Step 1: From the Distance Rates page of your tariff settings, select + New Distance Rate.

Step 2: Enter the name of the distance rate.

Step 3: Select the type of distance rate you are configuring. For a flat rate distance rate select Flat by Weight or Flat by Volume, depending on how you want the flat rate to be calculated.

Step 4: Select Yes or No to Enable "Per Additional" Amounts.

​Note: This would be noted in your tariff if you charge an additional charge on top of the flat rate when the mileage, weight, or volume is beyond a certain threshold. If your tariff does not charge this way, select No.

  • If you selected Yes in Step 4, Enter the Cost Per Additional. Then continue to step 5. If you selected No, continue to Step 5.

Step 5: Select Next: Set Mileage Ranges.

Step 6: Enter the mileage ranges that are configured in your tariff. For example, if your ranges will be 0-99, 100-499, 500-999, 1000-1499, 1500-2000, etc., then you'll enter a new range starting value for 0, 100, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000.

Step 7: Select Next: Set Weight Ranges. If your pricing type is set to "Flat by Volume", select Next: Set Volume Ranges.

Step 8: Enter the weight or volume ranges configured in your tariff.

Step 9: Click Save Changes.

Step 10: Using your tariff, complete the table by entering the period rates that you charge for each mileage range and weight or volume range.

Step 11: Enter your Per Additional Rate for Weight in the right-hand column. If pricing is set to flat by volume, enter your Per Additional Rate for Volume.

Note: This amount will be charged in addition to the flat rate amount once the weight of the shipment goes beyond the maximum range you have entered.

For example, according to the table above, if the shipment is traveling 500 miles and the weight of the shipment is 15,200 lbs. You will be charging the flat rate price for the shipment plus the rate that you have entered for every additional 100 pounds beyond 15000 lbs.

The flat rate would equal $2250, but because the weight is 200 lbs. over 15000 lbs., you would charge an additional 40 on top of the flat rate for every 100 lbs. over, so in this case $40 X 2. This would bring you to a total charge of $2,330.

Step 12: Enter your Per Additional Mile Rates in the bottom row.

Note: This will indicate when the mileage has gone over your specified amount to begin charging this additional rate on top of the flat rate for all miles over the set amount. There may be instances where your additional weight or volume and mileage charges are both charged on top of the flat rate, depending on the details of the shipment.

Step 13: Click Save Changes.

Set Up Your List of Materials

In this section, you'll learn: How to add or edit your moving material settings.

Your materials list contains an inventory of materials that you can charge for during a move, including boxes, packing paper, tape, and more.

To add or edit your materials, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Materials from the left menu.

You can add or edit the following details for each material:

  • Name: The material's name

  • Description: A brief description of the material

  • Pack Time: The number of minutes it generally takes to pack the selected box. SmartMoving totals the pack time to estimate how many hours are required for different sized crews to complete the pack.

    Note: This is only used for container materials like boxes. A pack time won't be set for materials like packing tape or furniture pads.

  • Unpack Time: The number of minutes it generally takes to unpack the selected box.

  • Short Codes: Searchable three-digit numbers used to quickly locate a material during inventory. You can speed up your inventory process by customizing your short codes under one of the following pack types:

    • CP Short Code: Carrier packed

    • PBO Short Code: Packed by owner

  • Container: Materials marked as containers are available to add to any room during inventory. Enable the "Is Container" toggle for all your boxes. This will also activate the CP and PBO Short Cut fields and allow you to define the volume and weight.

  • Editable: If enabled, salespeople can change the cost associated with the material on individual estimates.

Add or Edit Materials:

  • Edit or delete an existing material, click the 3 dot menu to the right of the "Editable" column.

  • Add a new material, click Add Material and enter the applicable details.

  • Complete all fields mentioned above, and set the default initial rates for all periods. These are the default item, pack, and unpack prices that will appear for all of the pricing periods. If the "Rates can be edited" toggle is enabled, your Sales team will be able to update the material and pack/unpack rates on any estimate.

Note: You can click and drag the double line bar on any item in the materials table to reorder it.

Set Packing Rates

In this section, you'll learn: How to set different pricing rates for packing jobs.

To add or edit your packing rates, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Packing Rates from the left menu.

For packing jobs, you can charge by any of the following:

Hourly Rates

This is the most common packing rate option. Rates are determined by a set hourly rate that corresponds with the day of the week, minimum hours charged, and crew size.

Flat Rate Plus Hourly Rates

You can charge a combination of a flat rate plus an hourly fee. This allows you to bundle trip fees, fuel surcharges, etc. into the initial rate to avoid having them listed as individual line items in the estimate.

A flat rate is charged for the minimum hours. Once the minimum hours are exceeded, an hourly rate is charged for any additional hours.

To set your flat rate plus hourly rates,

  1. In the Monday column, enter the minimum hours.

  2. In the first box for 1 Crew, enter the total cost for the minimum hours.

  3. In the second box for 1 Crew, enter the cost per hour for each additional hour over the minimum.

  4. Repeat for all crew sizes and days of the week.

Per Hundred Weight (CWT)

You can charge per hundred pounds of the shipment weight. This price would typically include labor and materials, and it is most commonly used for long-distance moves.

You can define multiple rates. For example, you could add a rate for a full pack, partial pack, or by room pack.

Pack By Container

You can optionally configure per container (per box) packing charges. In this scenario, you'll charge the customer a flat amount to pack each box type.

Important: The Pack rate does not include the cost of the materials. During estimation, you'd add the number of boxes to be packed as well as a number of boxes to sell the customer and the system will calculate a total pack cost.

You can add or edit the following details for each material:

  • Item Rate: The cost for a customer to purchase the material

  • Pack Rate: The cost to pack a container

  • Unpack Rate: The cost to unpack each container

Note: The list of materials is derived from the materials settings page located here: Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library > Materials

Only container materials (like boxes) should have a pack and/or unpack rate.

Set Valuation Options

In this section, you'll learn: How to set up valuation amounts and deductible levels.

Before reading on in this section, it is important to understand that valuation is not insurance. Valuation is the degree of "worth" or dollar value of the shipment. The valuation charge compensates the mover for assuming a greater degree of liability than is provided for in its base transportation charges.

SmartMoving allows you to set up multiple valuation options and deductible levels so that you can offer additional liability protection to your customers. Valuation can be priced based on a flat fee for a selected coverage amount or it can be priced based on an amount per $100 of declared value.

For interstate moves, carriers are required by law to offer two levels of protection - Released Value Protection (RVP) and Full Value Protection (FVP).

To edit your valuations, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Valuation from the left menu.

Released Value Protection (Basic Carrier Liability)

RVP is required by all states and by the FMCSA and is included at no cost to the shipper for all household goods moves. Released Value is a per pound, per article charge.

You have the option to choose any of the following per pound per article amounts based on your state's regulations.

  • $0.30 per pound, per article

  • $0.60 per pound, per article (most common)

  • $1.00 per pound, per article

  • Another dollar amount

These amounts mean that if a mover damages a customer's property, they will receive reimbursement based on this amount multiplied by the number of pounds of the damaged item. Each item is calculated separately.

For example, let's imagine that your Released Value Protection is set at $0.60 per pound per article. If a mover damages a customer's 82-inch TV that weighs 90 pounds, the customer will only receive a reimbursement of $54, even if the TV is worth $2,500.

The reimbursement amount will always be significantly lower than the value of the item, so customers have the option to purchase additional valuation as a flat rate or by hundred dollars of declared value. You can add either of these valuations by clicking Add Valuation.

Flat Rate / Cost Per Value Valuations

When you add a new valuation, they each have the following basic fields:




Name of the valuation

Valuation Type

How your valuation amount will be reimbursed to the customer:

  • Full Value Protection: Full Value Protection means that the carrier is liable for the current (or depreciated) value of your goods. You have the option to repair the item or offer a cash settlement.

  • Actual Cash Value: The carrier can make a cash settlement for the cost of the repair or the current market replacement value

  • Replacement Cost Coverage: Covers the current value to replace the exact item. For example, if a customer paid $100 for a shelf and the same shelf can be bought online today for $30, the customer will receive $30.

  • Other

Pricing Method

How the customer's reimbursement amount is calculated:

  • Flat Rate: A set cost based on the customer's declared value and deductible level

  • Cost Per Value: A cost per $1, $100, or $1,000. You'll also select:

    • Whether to round the amount

    • The minimum cost for any valuation regardless of weight

Value Per Pound

The value of each pound of the total move. This number is used to automatically calculate the declared value. This number is used as a default for all moves, but it can be updated on each individual estimate as needed.

Example: If the value per pound is $5 and the weight of the move is 5,000 pounds, the move is valued at $25,000.

Maximum Declared Value

The maximum amount that a customer can claim as the value of their move items.

Tip: You don't want to allow a customer to claim a higher declared value than your moving insurance covers. For example, if your insurance will cover damages up to $100,000, then the maximum declared value should not exceed $100,000.


The amount a customer will be liable to pay before the carrier would reimburse for any damages.

Once you click Add, you can also add a description to any of the valuation options that will appear on the customer's contract. If you add tokens into the description, specific data will be automatically imported into the description (for example, the deductible amount).

Flat Rate Valuation Table

When you select the flat rate valuation, a pricing table will show the following:

  • Declared value: The value of all the customer's possessions in the move

  • Deductible level: The deductible amounts a customer must pay to file a claim under each of the declared value amount

For example, if a customer claims a declared value of $50,000 and they want a $250 deductible, their cost would be $340 using the table shown below.

You can customize an unlimited number of declared value and deductible amounts.

  • To add a declared value, enter the amount in the Add Declared Value field, then click Add.

  • To add or edit your deductible amounts, click Manage Deductibles.

Cost Per Value Table

When you select the Cost Per Value valuation, a pricing table will show the price of the valuation per deductible amount.

For example, if you select the cost per $100 of the declared value, the amounts you enter will be multiplied by every $100 of the total declared value. So if you enter $1.25 for the $0 deductible and the customer declares their move is worth $25,000, it would cost the customer $312.50 for the valuation (25,000 divided by 100 and multiplied by 1.25).

You can customize your deductible amounts by clicking Manage Deductibles.

Bulky Items

In this section, you'll learn: How to set prices for oversized items that require additional fees to transport.

Bulky items are larger items that typically require more effort and/or more space in your truck to move. Bulky item fees allow you to charge an additional fee over and above the normal fee that would be incurred by the cubic feet or weight of an item.

Example: Canoe

This item could potentially take up a lot of space in your truck, but it might not weigh very much. A bulky item fee would allow you to charge an additional fee to handle/transport this item beyond what would normally be charged based on the weight or volume of the item.

To add or edit your bulky item fees, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Bulky Items from the left menu.

You can add or edit the following details for each bulky item:




The name of the bulky item


The type of bulky item (for example electronics, piano, etc.)

Categories group related items and make them easier to find during inventory. To add, edit, or reorder your categories, click Manage Categories.

Default Price

The amount charged for the bulky item

To add a new bulky item, click New Bulky Item.

To edit or delete a bulky item, click the three-dot menu to the right of an existing bulky item.

Manage Bulky Item Categories

Because there could potentially be a large number of bulky items in your tariff, SmartMoving allows you to assign a category to each item on setup so that your sales team can more easily locate the item during estimation. To manage the list of bulky item categories, click the "Manage Categories" link at the top of the bulky item setting screen.

Reorder Categories

You can reorder the list of categories by clicking the handle next to each category and dragging the item to a new position.

Configuring Not to Exceed Defaults

In this section, you'll learn: How to set or adjust a maximum price for a move.

SmartMoving allows you to set a Not to Exceed value for any estimate type. Not to Exceed amounts can be set automatically via the rating rules engine or they can be manually added by your sales team after the auto price engine has already given an initial estimate.

Adding a Rule to Automatically Apply a Not To Exceed Value

To set or edit your Not to Exceed Defaults (those that are added via the rating engine), navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Not To Exceed Defaults from the left menu.

To add a new Not to Exceed rule, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a name for the rule.

  2. Select the conditions (these are the "if" statements).
    Note: You can add an unlimited number of conditions.

  3. Set the amount to not exceed and how it is calculated (for example, as a percentage).

  4. Select whether to round the amount and by how much.

  5. Be sure to toggle the rule ON using the toggle switch next to the rule name.

Note: Not to Exceed amounts can be set differently for different service types via multiple rules. Your team can set rules that are specific to local moving and different rules for long distance moves by setting different rule conditions

Manually adjusting the Not To Exceed amount

Whether the initial Not to Exceed amount was set via a rule or has not been specified, your sales team can adjust this amount by clicking the three-dots menu next to the Not to Exceed line item on the estimate screen.

Fast Estimates with SmartMoving Pricing Method Defaults

In this section, you'll learn: How to set your pricing method defaults.

When you create a new opportunity or add a job to a move, SmartMoving's auto-pricing engine quickly calculates estimates just based on the date, type of service, and move size.

To enjoy this feature, you must set up your pricing method defaults. You can define an unlimited number or rules and conditions, and you can toggle them on/off.

To add a new pricing method rule,

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Tariffs -> Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page.

  2. Click the name of a tariff.

  3. Select Pricing Method Defaults from the left menu.

  4. Click Add Pricing Method Default.

  5. Enter a name for the rule and select a type: hourly rates, distance rates, packing, or valuation.

  6. Click Add.

  7. On the Pricing Method Default page, select when the rule applies:

    • Rule ALWAYS applies

    • If ANY of the following conditions are met

    • if ALL of the following conditions are met

  8. Build the conditions.

  9. Select how the rate is charged: hourly or flat rate plus hourly.

  10. Be sure to toggle the rule ON using the toggle switch next to the rule name.

Note: For distance rates, the rates available to select are determined by the distance rates you set for the tariff.


Here are some general tips to help you get started. Most moving companies quote the following:

  • Local moves by the hour.

  • Long distance moves based on a weight and mileage charge.

  • Local packing by the hour.

  • Long distance packing by the container.

Set Your Fee Pricing

In this section, you'll learn: How to choose a pricing type for your fees.

You can customize your fees by setting trip and travel fees, fuel surcharges, shuttle fees, and additional service fees.

To set up these fees, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page.

Pricing Types

How your fees are calculated is determined by the pricing type you choose. SmartMoving has 8 different pricing types, as follows:

  • Drive Time: Charges that are based on the time the crew takes to travel during the opportunity. Additionally, the drive time can be determined by:

    • Radius: Takes the distance from your warehouse to the furthest point on the route and uses that as the mileage.

    • Portion: Includes specific legs of the trip:

      • From the office to the origin

      • From the origin to the destination (including extra stops)

      • From the destination to the office

      Example: Bob's Movers charge drive time calculated from the dispatch location and the farthest point traveled during the job.

  • Flat Fee: Charges a set price for the fee.

    Example: Bob's Movers charges a $150 piano fee.

  • Flat Fee Two Factor: Charges based on a flat fee multiplied by a second factor.

    Example: Bob's Movers charge $150 per hour for item assembly and disassembly. The second factor will be the number of hours crew spent performing the service.

  • Mileage Table: Charges based on a fee structure tied to mileage ranges. Mileage table fees can be added using minutes (to charge by the hourly rate) or by a flat dollar amount.

    To create a mileage table, you'll start the mileage at 0 and add the next range. For example, 0-19 miles, 20-29 miles, etc. Once your ranges are set, you can choose the number of minutes or dollars to charge for each mileage range.

    Additionally, the mileage can be determined by the following parameters:

    • Radius: Takes the distance from your warehouse to the furthest point on the route and uses that as the mileage.

    • Portion: Includes specific legs of the trip:

      • From the office to the origin

      • From the origin to the destination (including extra stops)

      • From the destination to the office

      Example: Bob's Movers charges by minutes for only the extra stops portion of a trip.

  • Per Item (CWT): Charges per hundredweight of the shipment per:

    • Estimated Hour

    • Additional Stop

    • Article

    • Flight of Stairs

    • Long Carry Segment

    • Elevator

Example: For all intrastate moves, Bob's Movers charges $50 per flight of stairs per hundredweight of the shipment.

  • Per Item (Flat): Charges an amount per:

    • CWT (hundred pounds)

    • Pound

    • Cuft (cubic foot)

    • 100 Cuft (hundred cubic feet)

    • Estimated Hour

    • Additional Stop (stops made in addition to the origin and destination)

    • Stop (all stops, including the origin and destination)

    • Article

    • Flights of Stairs

    • Long Carry Segment

    • Elevator

Note: For Per Item (Flat) you also have the option to select if you would like to charge a different rate for the first item. Then, you will be able to set the cost for the first item, each additional item, and the minimum price that you want to charge for this fee.

Example: For long-distance moves, Bob's Movers charges $99 per additional stop for the first additional stop and each additional stop is $75, with a minimum charge of $99.

  • Per Mile: Calculates cost per mile. You can determine the number of miles that are included at no extra charge, the minimum cost for the fee, and the cost per mile for the fee.

    Example: Bob's Movers set up Per Mile charges so that:

    • Travel within 10 miles of the office and the minimum cost of $50 will be charged.

    • For miles over 10, then the mileage multiplied by the cost per mile will be charged. For example, to travel 15 miles the charge would be $1.25 X 15 miles = $18.75.

  • Percentage: Charges based on a percentage of the:

    • Hourly Labor

    • Transportation

    • Packing

    • Job Subtotal (excludes taxes and tips)

    • Storage in Transit

    Example: For long-distance moves, Bob's Movers charges a fuel surcharge that is 8% of the total transportation cost.

Set Trip and Travel Fees

In this section, you'll learn: How to configure per mileage, flat rate, and other trip and travel fees.

Trip and travel fees are commonly used for local moves when you're not billing a customer port to port (also referred to as dock to dock). Although trip and travel fees are most commonly used on local moves, these fees can be configured and used for short-haul and even long-distance trips as well.

Trip and travel fees appear as an additional line-item charge to your customer on their estimate and bill of lading.

To add or edit your trip and travel fees, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Trip and Travel Fees from the left menu.

There are several ways these fees can be priced. The most common options for trip and travel fees are Per Mile and Mileage Table. Additional fee types, like percentages, flat fee amounts, and other methods are also possible.


For mileage table trip and travel fees, you'll select whether the fee will be calculated in minutes or a flat dollar amount. The benefit of choosing minutes over a flat dollar amount is that the travel fee will increase as the size of your crew increases.

To create a mileage table, you'll start the mileage at 0 and add the next range. For example, 0-19 miles, 20-29 miles, etc. Once your ranges are set, you can choose the number of minutes or dollars to charge for each mileage range.

Additionally, the mileage calculation method can be set by the following parameters:

  • Radius: Takes the distance from your warehouse to the furthest point on the route and uses that as the mileage.

  • Portion: Includes specific legs of the trip:

    • From the office to the origin

    • From the origin to the destination (including extra stops)

    • From the destination to the office


Bob's Movers charges a trip and travel fee based on a mileage radius. When customers are within a 19-mile radius of their office, they charge a 30-minute trip fee. This fee is billed at the hourly rate of the crew for each job. Additional fees will be billed at the following mileage ranges:

  • 0-19 miles: 30 minutes

  • 20-39 miles: 60 minutes

  • 40-74 miles: 90 minutes

  • 75 and up 120 minutes


For per-mile trip and travel fees, you'll set up the:

  • Mileage to be Billed: The mileage can be calculated based on the actual mileage or by overage.

    • Actual: The total miles multiplied by the cost per mile.

    • Overage: After the included miles are deducted from the mileage, the mileage will be multiplied by the cost per mile.

  • Cost per Mile: The dollar amount that will be charged per mile.

  • Minimum Cost: The smallest fee amount that can be charged.

  • Included Miles: The number of miles included will be charged the minimum cost. Once this number is exceeded, the charge will be calculated based on your mileage to be billed and cost-per-mile settings.

    Note: If the mileage multiplied by the cost per mile equals a charge that is less than the minimum cost, the minimum cost will be charged.

As explained above in the mileage table, you'll also choose whether your mileage calculations will charge by portion or by radius.


Bob's Movers charges a trip and travel fee per mile for the distance traveled to get from the office to the origin and from the destination back to the office. The minimum cost is $50, which includes 25 miles. After 25 miles, the customer is charged $2 per mile for the total mileage calculated. In this example, if the mileage calculated was 30 miles, the trip fee would be $60.00.

You can learn more about the other types of fee pricing in addition to the mileage table and per mile by reading the section of this article called Set Your Fee Pricing.

  • To add a new trip and travel fee, click New Trip and Travel Fee.

  • Click Reorder to change the order of the trip and travel fees.

Per Mile Trip and Travel Fees

In this section, you'll learn: How to create a per-mile trip or travel fee.


Step 1: From your tariff settings navigate to the section labeled, Trip and Travel Fees.

Step 2: Select + New Trip and Travel Fee.

Step 3: Enter the name of the fee.

Step 4: In the Pricing Type field, select Per Mile.

Step 5: Checkmark if you want the name and description of this fee to be editable. This would allow your office users to change the name or description of the fee when added to a job. If you do not want your users to be able to make these changes, do not checkmark the box.

Step 6: Checkmark if this fee is to be charged per truck on a job. If you do not want to charge per truck, do not checkmark the box. SmartMoving will then only populate this fee for one truck on the job.

Step 7: Enter the Included Miles. The number of miles included will be charged the minimum cost. Once this number is exceeded, the charge will be calculated based on your mileage to be billed and cost-per-mile settings.

Step 8: Enter the Minimum Cost. The Minimum Cost is the minimum amount that will ever be charged for this fee.

Step 9: Enter the Cost per Mile. The Cost per Mile is the amount that you want to charge per mile traveled for this fee.

Step 10: Select + Add New.

​Note: You will need to repeat steps 7-9 if you have multiple pricing periods created in your tariff.


Once the trip or travel fee has been created, there will be a few additional settings that you can configure to tailor the fee to your company's pricing model. The first setting that can be configured is the Mileage to be Billed setting. You can choose between billing your mileage based on the actual miles on the job or by the overage.

  • Actual: Once the number of miles on the job has exceeded the included miles setting, the total miles on the job will be multiplied by the cost per mile to calculate your fee.

  • Overage: Once the number of miles on the job has exceeded the included miles setting, the total miles of the job minus the number of included miles will be multiplied by the cost per mile to calculate your fee.

To set this setting, locate your trip or travel fee in the trip and travel fee setting screen of your tariff settings. From the Mileage to be Billed field, select either Actual or Overage. Then select to Save Changes.

By Portion or By Radius

The last setting that you can configure for your trip or travel fee is to charge either based on the portions of the trip or by radius. This will inform SmartMoving how to determine the mileage that will be used to calculate your fee.

By Portion

Charging by portion allows you to determine which legs of the trip you want the fee to be charged based on. Using the graph, you will select if you charge this fee from office to origin, origin to destination, and destination back to the office. If you do not charge for one of these portions of the trip in your fee, uncheck the box that correlates with that portion of the trip.

By Radius

Charging by radius will mean that your fee is charged based on the distance from your dispatch location to the furthest point on the route.

Set Fuel Surcharges

In this section, you'll learn: How to charge for fuel costs.

To charge for fuel expenses, you can set up fuel surcharges. Although you can manually add fuel surcharges to any move, setting up your fuel surcharges allows SmartMoving to follow rules you set up to automatically apply applicable fees to any job based on the type of job, distance, etc.

To add or edit your fuel surcharges, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Fuel Surcharge from the left menu.

When you create a fuel surcharge, you'll choose the pricing type that will be used to calculate the surcharge. The most common option for fuel charges is a percentage. Learn more about the other types of fee pricing in addition to percentages by reading the section of this article called Set Your Fee Pricing.

Charging by percentage allows you to charge by any of the following costs:

"Applies To" Options

Example of When to Use

Hourly Labor

When choosing Invoice Subtotal would result in an unfair price due to a large number of non-driving expenses

Job Subtotal

When there is a great deal of driving expenses, for example on a long-distance job.


When a packing job requires travel


When a job is long-distance

Storage in Transit

When a job includes storing the shipment

See the following example:

To add a new fuel surcharge, click Add Fuel Surcharge.

Click Reorder to change the order of the fuel surcharges.

Storage In Transit Fees

In this section, you'll learn: How to configure your storage in transit fees.

You can customize the fees that your company charges when you must store a shipment while it is in transit. Using the Auto-Pricing Rules you can configure your Storage In Transit Fees to automatically populate on an estimate based on the conditions that you set. Once you have followed the steps below to create your Storage in Transit Fees, visit the Set Up Auto-Pricing Rules section of this article to learn about creating an Auto-Pricing Rule to allow the fee to populate automatically for you on an estimate.

How to Create a Storage in Transit Fee

Step 1: Navigate to the Storage in Transit section of your tariff settings.

Step 2: Select + New Storage in Transit Fee

Step 3: Enter the name of the Storage in Transit Fee.

Step 4: Select the Pricing Type for this fee from the dropdown menu.

Step 5: Complete any additional required fields. The Pricing Type that you selected in Step 4 will determine the fields that must be configured.

Step 6: Select if the name and description of this fee can be edited by a user. If you do not wish for the name and description to be editable, skip to Step 7.

Step 7: Click +Add New once you have finished entering all required fields for this fee.

Set Shuttle Fees

In this section, you'll learn: How to set up fees when a tight street requires a smaller truck.

Shuttle fees help you recover the time and labor expenses of transferring a customer's items to a smaller vehicle when a move is located in an area that cannot fit an oversized moving truck such as a tractor/trailer.

To add or edit your shuttle fees, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Shuttle Fees from the left menu.

When you create a shuttle fee, you'll choose the fee pricing that will be used to calculate the fee amount. The most common option for fuel shuttle fees is per item. You can learn more about the different fee pricing options here.

To add a new shuttle fee, click New Shuttle Fee.

Click Reorder to change the order of the shuttle fees.

Set Additional Services

In this section, you'll learn: How to charge fees for additional services.

You might offer your customers several additional services that your crew members can perform while conducting the job — connecting a washing machine, disassembling furniture, moving a piano, or storing a shipment overnight in your truck. Setting up additional service fees can help you track and accurately charge for these services.

  1. To add or edit your additional services fees, navigate to Settings > Tariffs > Tariff Library or click here to go directly to the page. Then click the name of any tariff and select Additional Services from the left menu.

  2. When you create an additional service fee, you'll choose the pricing type that will be used to calculate the fee amount. Learn more about these fee pricing types see the section of this article titled Set Your Fee Pricing.

  3. To add a new additional service, click Add Additional Service.

  4. Click Reorder to change the order of the additional services.

Commissions & Options

The "Pay to crew" and "Pay to salespeople" checkboxes are optional. These options allow your crew and/or salespeople to earn additional pay or commission on the additional service that is sold or provided.

IMPORTANT: Commissions will be paid to the crew and/or salespeople ONLY if their payroll settings have been enabled to receive a commission on additional services and the right service is selected.

You also have the option to mark the checkbox to enable the name and description of the additional service to be editable in SmartMoving.

Percentage of Job Subtotal Fee

In this section, you'll learn: How a fee can be charged based on the subtotal of the job.

If your company charges a surcharge fee or any other fee based on the subtotal for the job, SmartMoving can automatically calculate that fee for you. By using your Pricing Method Defaults, SmartMoving can automatically populate and calculate this fee for you each time an estimate is created.

Which Fees Can Be Based on a Percentage of the Job Subtotal?

Learn more about each type of fee by navigating to the section within this article by the same name.

  • Trip and Travel Fees

  • Fuel Surcharges

  • Additional Services

  • Shuttle Fees

Creating the Fee

To charge any fee based a percentage of the job subtotal, the setup process will primarily be the same.

  1. From your tariff settings navigate to the fee type that you want to charge based on the percent of the job subtotal, for example, Additional Services.

  2. Select + New Additional Service.

  3. Enter the name of the additional service, for example, Surcharge Fee.

  4. From the drop-down menu for the "Pricing Type" select, Percentage.

  5. From the drop-down menu for "Applies To" select, Job Subtotal.

  6. Select if you want to pay commissions to your salespeople or crew members when this fee is applied.

  7. Select if you want to name or description of the fee to be editable.

  8. Enter the percentage of the job subtotal you want this fee to be calculated from.

  9. Click + Add New.

Create a Rule to Apply this Fee Automatically

By creating an Auto-Pricing Rule for this fee, you can specify under what conditions you want this fee to be automatically applied to a job estimate.

  1. From your tariff settings navigate to Auto-Pricing Rules.

  2. Select + Add Rule.

  3. Name your rule.

  4. Click Add.

  5. From the drop-down menu select when the rule will apply.

  6. Select + Add new condition to add the conditions for when the fee will apply.

  7. Select Save Changes.

  8. Click, Select Fees.

  9. Select the percent of the job subtotal fee that you want this rule to apply to.

  10. Click Save Changes.

  11. Turn the toggle switch on to enable the Auto-Pricing Rule.

  12. Click Save Changes.

Maximum Hours Per Job

In this section, you'll learn: How the Maximum Hours setting functions in the auto-pricing engine.

The Auto-Pricing Engine's Maximum Hours Per Job setting will ensure that your crew members are never working more than the maximum number of hours per job in a day. This means, that if the estimated total billable time is greater than the maximum number of hours settings, SmartMoving will adjust your estimated crew count until the total billable time is below your maximum hours.

Maximum Hours Per Job

To configure this setting, you will navigate to your tariff settings and to your auto-pricing engine. Here, you will find the field for Maximum Hours Per Job. Enter the maximum number of hours that you want your crew members to work per job. SmartMoving will then look at the total billable time on a job and add on additional crew members to the job to bring the total billable time below the maximum number of hours per job.

Note: If the setting to Automatically Add Resources Based on Auto-Pricing Settings is not enabled, then the auto-pricing engine will not automatically add additional resources beyond the crew sizes that you have configured in your tariff settings. To learn more about this feature visit the section of this article titled, Enable Per-Additional Truck and Crew Hourly Rates.

What if the Non-Labor Time is Greater than the Labor Time?

There may be jobs from time to time where the non-labor time is greater than the labor time. This time can be made up of the time it takes the crew to travel from the origin to the destination, the travel time, and the handicaps on the job. If the non-labor time is greater than the labor time, then SmartMoving will not add additional crew members to the estimated crew count to decrease the total billable time.

For example, your maximum hours per job is set to 10 hours and you create a job where the total billable time is 15 hours. Of those 15 hours though, 10 of the hours are spent traveling from the origin to the destination.

From the example above you can see that the auto-pricing engine did not add on additional crew members to bring the billable time below the maximum hours per job. In this scenario adding additional crew members to the job would not have decreased the total billable time, because the non-labor time on the job is greater than the labor time. Additional crew members will not affect the non-labor time and decrease the time spent traveling from the origin to the destination.

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