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How Percentage of the Day Booked is Calculated
How Percentage of the Day Booked is Calculated

What is the day booked percentage seen in Dispatch, the New Opportunity screen, and other places?

Matt Honeycutt avatar
Written by Matt Honeycutt
Updated over 5 months ago

The percentage shown for how much of a day is booked is simple to calculate!

First, we look at how many hours you have in your typical day (configured in Settings -> Dispatch -> Arrival Windows) by looking at your Start and End hour.

Then, we see how many dispatch slots you have set up on that day. We multiply those slots by hours in your day.

Lastly, we look at the estimated hours for all jobs booked for that day. Using that number, we determine what percentage of your day is booked.ย 

From the information above we calculate that with 10 hours each day of available time and 5 Dispatch slots available, there are 50 total hours that can potentially be filled with jobs.

How Does the Percentage Change?

The percentage will change as jobs are booked for that day.

For example, on the Dispatch calendar for today, there is one job schedule that is estimated to take 4.5 hours.

SmartMoving then calculates that of your 50 total hours of capacity, you are using 4.5 hours on this job and will have 45.5 hours remaining for the day. This means that of this day there is 91% remaining. This means that 91% of the day can still be booked with jobs.

Or that the day is 9% booked. You can view this amount from the Dispatch > Resource Calendar.

Availability for New Opportunities

When creating a new opportunity, you can view your percentage booked directly from the Opportunity Wizard. This allows you to quickly provide a quote to your customer for a day that you have availability.

You can also select to see more from the Opportunity Wizard to be shown your availability in more detail. You will be able to view which slots have jobs dispatched to them and how long each job is estimated to span. As well as how many trucks, foremen, crew members, and drivers you have available depending on your Dispatch > Common settings.

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