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SmartMoving 2.0 Upgrade Checklist

This checklist will ensure you are ready to begin using SmartMoving 2.0.

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over 5 months ago

Follow this checklist below to ensure that your company is ready to begin creating estimates once you have transitioned to SmartMoving 2.0. Instructions for these steps are included below.

Review your tariff settings to ensure they match your 1.0 settings.

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Tariffs -> Tariff Library > Select Your Tariff

  2. You can refer to your SmartMoving 1.0 Legacy Settings by navigating to Settings > 1.0 Legacy Settings.

  3. Make any necessary changes or adjustments to ensure that your tariff settings reflect your correct pricing.

Add your Pricing Method Defaults

Pricing Method Defaults are the rules that will distinguish the automatic charges that are applied to your estimate. These rules can be based on service type, opportunity type, branch, etc. We recommend that you add pricing method defaults for your moving services, packing services, and if applicable, long-distance services.

Note read more about Pricing Method Defaults Here: Fast Estimates with SmartMoving Pricing Method Defaults

  1. Navigate to the Pricing Method Defaults section of your tariff settings.

  2. Click on the blue button in the right-hand corner of your screen labeled, "+ Add Pricing Method Default".

  3. Name your pricing method default. We suggest beginning with Local Hourly Rates


  4. Select the type of pricing that you want to automatically charge for this Pricing Method Default.

  5. Click the blue button on the bottom of the slide-out labeled, "Add".

  6. From the drop-down menu select the option that best matches how you want this pricing method default to be applied.

  7. If the Pricing Method Default will only be applied under certain conditions. Add those conditions.

  8. Select the method that you want to use to rate the shipment.

  9. Turn the toggle switch on. The toggle switch will be green once the auto pricing rule has been turned on.

  10. Click to Save Changes.

  11. Repeat this process for all pricing methods that you use.

    Note: Pricing Method Defaults are to be used for your hourly moving rates, packing rates, distance rates, and valuation options.

Review Fuel Surcharges and Travel Fees

Your fuel surcharge fees, trip fees, and travel fees should have been migrated from your legacy settings to your SmartMoving 2.0 tariff settings, but there are some changes that you should note.

  • Fuel Surcharge: This can now be applied per mile, as a flat fee, per item, percentage, using a mileage table, as a flat fee two factor, and by the drive time.

    • The percentage can be applied to the hourly moving labor, the job subtotal, transportation charge, or packing labor.

    Note: Read more about your fuel surcharge fee here: Set up Fuel Surcharges

  • Included Miles: If you are using the per-mile pricing the functionality of the included miles field now has new functionality. You now can charge your mileage based on the actual mileage of the job or by the overage. If you select to charge by actual mileage, the total miles on the job will be multiplied by your cost per mile. If you select to price by overage, then all miles over your included miles will be multiplied by your cost-per-mile fee.

  • Minimum Cost: In your 2.0 opportunities if the mileage is equal to or less than your included miles, the minimum cost will be charged. If the mileage is greater than the included miles, then the charge will be calculated based on either the actual mileage or the miles over the included miles.

Note: Read more about your trip and travel fees here: Set up trip and travel fees

Review your Additional Services

When your settings are first migrated to your new SmartMoving 2.0 tariff settings you may find that some of your Additional Services need to be reviewed. If you had any flat fee two-factor additional services in SmartMoving 1.0 you will need to review the services in your tariff settings. Also, you no longer use negative additional services and so those will also need to be reviewed and updated.

Note: Read more about additional services here: Configure Additional Services

Create your Auto-Pricing Rules

This is where in your new tariff settings you can set specific rules for SmartMoving to apply different fees for you automatically. This includes your trip fees, travel fees, fuel surcharges, additional services, and shuttle fees.

Note read more about creating your Auto-Pricing Rules Here: Customize Your Fee Pricing

  1. Navigate to the Auto-Pricing Rules section of the tariff settings.

  2. Click on the blue button in the top right-hand corner labeled, "+ Add Rule".

  3. Name the rule you are creating.

  4. Click the blue button labeled, "Add".

  5. Select from the drop-down menu the option that best matches how you want this Auto-Pricing Rule to be applied.

  • Rule ALWAYS applies: The fees will populate on all estimates that are created.

  • If ANY of the following conditions are met: If any of the conditions that you list below apply, the fee will populate on the estimate.

  • If ALL of the following conditions are met: If all of the conditions that you list below, the fee will populate on the estimate.

6. If applicable, enter any conditions that need to be entered for when this rule will apply.

7. Click to Save Changes.

8. Select the fees that you want to apply under the conditions you have entered above.

9. Click to Save Changes.

10. Turn the toggle switch on. The toggle switch will be green once the auto pricing rule has been turned on.

11. Click to Save Changes.

12. Repeat this process for all of the fees and additional services that you want to have automatically applied to an estimate.

Review new options available for Crew Compensation

In SmartMoving 2.0 you now have more compensation options available for paying your crew members. Please review the compensation options available and ensure that they are appropriately set for your company. Your Legacy Compensation settings will apply to any of your 1.0 opportunities. The new compensation options will apply to any of your 2.0 opportunities.

  1. Select each crew member and review their compensation settings for accuracy.

  2. Turn on the toggle switches next to any line items that you want your crew to earn compensation for. The toggle switch will be green once the auto pricing rule has been turned on.

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