While out on a job your crew foreman may need to make adjustments to the bulky items that they are responsible for moving. The foreman can view and manage the bulky items directly from the SmartMoving Crew Application.
View Bulky Items
Once the foreman has clicked to access a job, they will find the list of bulky items that they are responsible for moving on the right-hand side of their Crew Application.
From the Bulky items section, the foreman can select View to populate the bulky items list.
Manage Bulky Items
Once the time on the job has started, the view button will transition to Edit. This is where the foreman can now go to manage the bulky items.
From the slide-up screen, the list of the bulky items will populate. From here the foreman can add any additional bulky items to the job, remove any bulky items that they are no longer responsible for moving, and update the quantity of a bulky item.
Add a Bulky Item
To add a bulky item to the job, the foreman will click on the plus sign next to the bulky item that they are now responsible for moving. This will add this bulky item to the charges for this job.
Remove a Bulky Item
To remove a bulky item from a job, the foreman will click on the "X" icon next to the bulky item that they are no longer responsible for moving. This will remove the bulky item from the charges associated with this job.
Adjust the Quantity of a Bulky Item
To adjust the quantity of a bulky item, the foreman will first select the blue quantity digit for the bulky item that needs the quantity adjusted.
Then, the foreman will select the correct quantity from the slide-up menu. This will adjust the quantity of the bulky item that the crew is responsible for and update the charges on the job accordingly.