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Managing Branch Overrides

How to Customize Your SmartMoving Settings for More Than One Branch

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over 5 months ago

You may have more than one branch that operates out of a single SmartMoving account or perhaps you operate as multiple brands out of a single SmartMoving account. SmartMoving offers branch override settings that allow you to customize your accounts to the specific needs of each branch.

Branch Settings

To set your branch overrides you will navigate to your SmartMoving settings. From there, under the company settings, locate the section labeled, Branches. Once on the Branches Settings page, select the name of the branch in which you are adjusting the settings.

From this page, the following settings can be customized for this branch.

Branch Override Settings

Any setting that is added at the branch level with override the primary settings for this branch. If the setting does not differ from the primary branch, simply leave the field blank and SmartMoving will default to the settings of your primary branch.

  • Branch Information: The name of this branch as you want it to populate for your company internally. The Dispatch location that is to be used for this branch.

  • Mailing Address: The mailing address that is to be used for this branch if the address is different for this branch than the primary branch.

  • Taxes: The tax rate that is to be used for this branch. Also, the line items that can be taxed on an opportunity assigned to this branch.

  • Override Logo: The logo that is to be used for all opportunities created under this branch.

  • Override Branding: Branding information can be entered if this branch operates under a different company name, phone number, state license number, or website address. The primary color is the color of the buttons that appear in your customer emails.

Note: This is a hex color code and not just simply the name of a color.

  • Override Social Media: The social media URLs that will go out with the Move Review emails and text messages for this branch once a job has been completed.

Override Email Appearance: The background color, font color, system from email address, and footer will populate when an email is sent to an opportunity that is created for this branch. The background color and font colors need to be entered as hex color codes.

Note: To adjust your system from email address, please contact [email protected] where our team can send you the instructions for this process.

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