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SmartMoving Version 1
1.0 - How mileage-rated tariff groups are chosen
1.0 - How mileage-rated tariff groups are chosen

How, when, and why is a tariff group applied automatically?

Matt Honeycutt avatar
Written by Matt Honeycutt
Updated over a week ago

Once you've set up tariff groups, they may automatically be applied to a job on initial creation. You can of course always swap to them manually (or away from them). Let's review the automatic portion of this process.

When is a tariff group automatically applied?

When you first create a new Opportunity (or adding a new Job to an existing Opportunity), your tariff groups are examined and determined if one should be used. This is only done on the initial creation.

If you have a job that is not using mileage-rated pricing (or you've changed away from it), and you change it to mileage-rated pricing, it will also then pick the best-suited mileage-rated tariff group.

How is it determined which one to use? 

First, we decide which ones are applicable. A tariff group is applicable by looking at the minimum distance and weight/volume on the tariff group.

Then the following process is used to determine which one should be applied:

  • First, it will look at the primary tariff group for your branch, and see if it is applicable. If so, the primary tariff group will be used.

  • If the primary one isn't applicable, it will look through all other configured tariff groups for that branch. The first one that is applicable will be used.

  • If none are fully applicable, it will then see if one is applicable at least by distance only (ignoring weight/volume). It will check the primary first, then the others.

  • If none are even partially applicable, then it will not use any tariff group. The pricing will be left as mileage-rated, and you can decide which one to use (see below). 

What if I don't like the one automatically used (or if none were deemed applicable)?

 Simply open the Moving Services slideout...

...and pick the one you want to be used.

It will have to be over the group's minimums to get an actual price, of course.

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