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Edit or Create a Storage Document
Edit or Create a Storage Document

How to edit or create a storage document and the tokens that are supported for a storage invoice document.

Matt Honeycutt avatar
Written by Matt Honeycutt
Updated over a year ago

How to Edit a Storage Invoice

To edit or create a storage invoice that will be sent to your customers alerting them that their reoccurring storage bill is due navigate to Settings -> Forms and Documents -> Document Library.
If you are needing to edit the storage invoice document, simply click on the document labeled Storage Invoice. Once on the document editor you are ready to edit your document. Below you will find a list of supported tags that you can use for this document.

How to Create a New Storage Invoice Document

Step 1: select + New Document.

Step 2: From the pop-up menu select that the document applies to: Storage Invoice.

Step 3: Enter a title for your document and select Sample Storage Invoice.

Step 4: Click Create Document.

Supported Tokens for Storage Invoices

Company Tags

Note: Company tags can be overridden by branch-level settings.

  • Address: The full, formatted address for your company. This can be changed in your SmartMoving settings.

  • Logo: Your company logo image, if configured. If you haven't uploaded a logo, this will be the name of your company.

  • Name: The name of your company.

  • Phone Number: Your company phone number. This can be updated in your SmartMoving settings.

  • State License Number: Your state license number, if any is configured. This token will be blank if you haven't added a license number.

Customer Tags

  • Customer and Contact Names (List): This will list the name of the primary customer as well as any contacts that have been configured.

  • Email: The Email address for the primary customer.

  • Name: The full name of the primary customer.

  • Phone Number: The primary phone number of the primary customer.

Storage Invoice Tags

  • Amount Due: The total balance due on the invoice.

  • Charges Table: A formatted table of all the charges on the invoice.

  • Due Date: The date the invoice is due.

  • Hourly Labor Total (After Discount): The total for all hourly labor charges on the invoice (after discounts)

  • Hourly Labor Total (Before Discount): The total for all hourly labor charges on the invoice (before discounts)

  • Invoice Number: The unique invoice number.

  • Invoice Period End Date: The end date of the period the invoice covers.

  • Invoice Period Start Date: The start date of the period the invoice covers.

  • Invoice Status Badge (Paid, Unpaid, or Overdue): A formatted badge that will indicates whether the invoice is paid, unpaid, etc.

  • Late By Date: The date that the invoice will be past due.

  • Late Fee Total: The total of all late fee charges on the invoice.

  • List of Discounts: A comma-separated list of discounts that were applied to the invoice.

  • Monthly Storage Total (After Discount): The total for all monthly storage charges (after discounts).

  • Monthly Storage Total (Before Discount): The total for all monthly storage charges (before discounts).

  • Other/Custom Fee Total (After Discount): The total for all custom charges (after discounts).

  • Other/Custom Fee Total (Before Discount): The total for all custom charges (before discounts).

  • Oversized Item Total (After Discount): The total for all oversized items (after discounts).

  • Oversized Item Total (Before Discount): The total for all oversized items (before discounts).

  • Payments Total: The total of all payments applied to the invoice.

  • Sales Tax Amount: The total dollar amount of sales tax on the invoice.

  • Sales Tax Rate (%): The sales tax rate that was applied to the invoice.

  • Total Invoice Amount: The total amount of the invoice after discounts and taxes.

  • Valuation Total (After Discount): The total for all valuation charges (after discounts).

  • Valuation Total (Before Discount): The total for all valuation charges (before discounts).

  • Vault Access Total (After Discount): The total for all vault access charges (after discounts).

  • Vault Access Total (Before Discount): The total for all vault access charges (before discounts).

  • Warehouse Handling Total (After Discount): The total for all warehouse handling charges (after discounts).

  • Warehouse Handling Total (Before Discount): The total for all warehouse handling charges (before discounts).

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