You can add storage charges and track storage data from the SmartMoving Storage section. Setting up your storage account information can be done in 6 simple steps.
Import Your Data
Using the SmartMoving Excel templates, you can import all of your data for one or more warehouses including all existing storage accounts, containers, and storage data (e.g., container types, zones, container numbers, etc.). Importing your accounts will also allow you to set them up for auto-billing.
Configure Your Storage Rates
Storage rates determine your default billing method and pricing for things like monthly recurring storage, warehouse handling fees, and storage valuation. You can configure one or more storage rates and assign a rate structure to each warehouse you have configured. Note that only one rate structure can be associated with a single warehouse at a time.
Configure Your Warehouses
An important step in your overall storage configuration is setting up one or more storage warehouses. A warehouse is necessary before you can create a storage account as those accounts must be assigned to a warehouse. Warehouse settings let you configure things like late fees, tax rates, and auto pay / invoice defaults.
Configure Additional Settings
Importing your data may automatically set up several of your settings for you. Whether you have started with a data import or not, you'll want to review your settings as there are several items that are important to configure to ensure your customers are billed correctly and your warehouse is organized. Some of those settings include your warehouse late fee policies, zones, container types, oversized items, and discounts you might want to offer your customers.
Set up Payment Methods for Any Auto-Bill Customers
If you imported your existing accounts, they will not have a default payment method selected. In order to auto-bill an existing or new customer, you will need to select a previously stored card or enter and select a new payment method.
Configure Tax Settings if Needed
There are various charges that you can apply to an invoice for a storage account (such as moving charges, valuation, etc). Each of these charge types can be configured as a taxable item.
Tax rates can be configured per warehouse for those customers that have multiple warehouses.
Add a Storage Invoice to Your Document Library
Check to ensure that you have a storage invoice template in your document center and apply it to all job types that may use storage estimate charges.
Replace or Edit Your Existing Estimate Document(s) with Storage Specific Ones
In order for your estimates to reflect storage charges, you must add storage tokens to any existing estimates, or you can add the updated SmartMoving default estimate document, which now includes storage tokens by default.
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