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Collect Prepaid Storage Charges
Collect Prepaid Storage Charges

How to charge prepaid storage on a move estimate and optionally have it appear as a credit on a new storage account

Ren Jones avatar
Written by Ren Jones
Updated over a week ago

In some instances (like flat-rate jobs), it might be required to bill your incoming storage customer one or more months upfront. When this scenario arises, SmartMoving provides the ability to add recurring storage and/or warehouse handling charges to your estimate and collect those charges when closing out the moving job.

Any fees collected on move-in can optionally be applied as a credit to a new storage account. These pre-paid credits will automatically be applied to each new invoice that is generated for the account until those funds are exhausted.

Charging for Prepaid Storage on Move-In

Step 1: Navigate to the Estimate tab on an opportunity.

Step 2: Locate the Charges panel and select Add Charge.

Step 3: From the slide-out select Storage.

Step 4: Choose to add a charge for Prepaid Storage or Warehouse Handling

Step 5: Optionally apply the fee as a credit.

Select the Apply as a Credit to Storage Account checkbox if you want this pre-paid fee to create an associated credit when creating the storage account.

Once the charge has been added it will appear as a line item on the charges panel. If the charge needs to be adjusted, simply click on the blue link for the associated charge to edit.

To remove the charge, click on the menu icon and select Remove Charge.

Any pre-paid storage fees added to a booked job that had the credit option selected will now automatically appear in the credits section when creating a new storage account.

Note: The job where the pre-paid storage was collected must be closed before the storage account is created in order for the credit to show up when the storage account is created.

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