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Add unbilled charges to a storage account
Add unbilled charges to a storage account

How to add one-time and additional recurring charges to a storage account

Ren Jones avatar
Written by Ren Jones
Updated over a week ago

An unbilled charge is a way to add either a one-time or recurring charge to a customer's monthly storage invoice. For example,

  • Recurring unbilled charge: Adding a recurring unbilled charge will automatically apply this additional charge to the customers monthly invoice. By default, storage invoices only bill for monthly storage and valuation costs. If you need to bill customers each month for other fees related to their storage account, then add a recurring unbilled charge.

  • One-time unbilled charge: One-time unbilled charges are a great way to add additional fees to a single monthly invoice. For example, if a customer needs vault access, you could add this as a one-time charge to their next invoice.

Adding unbilled charges

Navigate to Storage -> Accounts -> (or click here to go directly to the page) and select an account.

First, click Add charge in the Unbilled Charges section.

Then, select whether the charge will be one time or recurring, and the charge type.

  • For recurring: Select either Monthly SIT, Monthly Perm, Valuation SIT, Valuation Perm, or Custom.

  • For one time: Select either Warehouse Handling, Hourly Labor, or Custom.

If the Custom charge type is selected, enter a description.

Next, enter the number of units and per unit cost amount.

Then, click Add.

When unbilled charges are added to an invoice

Every month on the Billing Cycle date—which is shown in the customer's storage account under Storage Rates—any unbilled charges will be automatically added to the invoice.

Note: Once a one-time charge is added to an invoice, it will no longer appear in the Unbilled Charges list—only recurring unbilled charges will remain. However, one-time charges can be seen on the invoice it was applied to.

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