How to Process a Refund

How to process a full or partial credit card refund

Ren Jones avatar
Written by Ren Jones
Updated over a week ago

Important: Full or partial credit card refunds are only enabled for those companies that have a payment gateway enabled and are actively processing credit card transactions in SmartMoving.

Setting Permissions for Who Can Process Refunds

Navigate to Settings > Company Settings > Roles and Permissions (or click here to go directly to the page).

Under the Actions section in the Refund or Delete Payments row, select the roles that you wish to grant the ability to process refunds.

Processing a refund

A refund can be processed from the accounting tab or the estimate tab. We recommend that you process the refund through the accounting tab, but the process for issuing the refund from the estimate tab is the same as the process for issuing the refund on the accounting tab. There are two ways to process a refund:

Processing Refunds from the Accounting Tab

  1. Navigate to an opportunity and select the accounting tab.

  2. On the payments panel locate the payment that you are going to refund.

  3. Select the menu icon.

  4. Select Refund

5. Select whether you'd like to provide a full refund or a partial refund where you enter the amount that should be refunded.

6. Click Yes, refund

Processing Refunds from the Estimate Tab.

Navigate to a specific opportunity by using the Search icon. Enter the job # of the opportunity you wish to issue a refund for and select that opportunity.

Select the estimate tab.

Locate the payments panel and next to the payment you want to refund, click the menu icon, then select Refund.

Then, select whether you'd like to provide a full refund or a partial refund where you enter the amount that should be refunded, and click Yes, refund.

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