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Getting Started: Accounting

This article hub houses the accounting information and skills that you need to get started in SmartMoving.

Lauren Greener avatar
Written by Lauren Greener
Updated over 5 months ago

SmartStart Accounting Video Guide

Set Default Crew Member Compensation Rates

You can set specific rates for each crew member that will automatically calculate their compensation on each opportunity.

SmartMoving 2.0 now offers many more options for crew compensation. Here's how to set rates for your crew members using both 2.0 and 1.0 compensation settings.

  1. Navigate to Settings -> Dispatch -> Crew Members or click here to go directly to the page.

  2. Click a crew member's name.

  3. Click the Compensation tab.

  4. Set their rates for both 2.0 and 1.0 opportunities.

Note: 1.0 opportunities use 1.0 compensation, and 2.0 opportunities use 2.0 compensation. Whether an opportunity uses 1.0 or 2.0 compensation is determined by which option was selected when the opportunity was created.

2.0 Compensation

Each line determines how much commission the crew member earns per charge. Most items are paid as a set percentage of the cost amount except for:

  • Labor: Can be paid hourly or by piece rate.

  • Trip & Travel Fees: Can be calculated using two options:

    • Trip Fees: Use this option to pay an hourly rate for trip fees based on:

      • Additional hours

      • Actual time

      • Estimated travel time

    • Trip & Travel: Use this option to pay trip & travel fees based on a percentage.

  • Tips: If enabled, the crew member earns a portion of the tips collected on their jobs.

Note: Transportation is for long-distance moves.

1.0 Compensation (Legacy Compensation)

In the 1.0 settings, trip fees and travel time fees are two separate line items. Most fees are paid as a set percentage of the cost amount except for:

  • Labor: Can be charged hourly, as a percentage, or by piece rate for all services such as moving, packing, junk removal, etc.

  • Trip Fees: Can be charged by percentage, additional hours, actual travel time, or estimated travel time.

Create & Send Invoices

When you set up your invoices for the first time, you'll need to create your invoice template and enable invoice communications. Then you'll be able to easily and quickly send invoices to your customers as soon as a job is completed.

Step 1: Create your Invoice Template

  1. Go to Settings > Forms and Documents > Document Library.

  2. Check that you have a document with an "Opportunity Invoice" blue tag.

    1. If not, click New Document.

    2. For the Document Applies To field, select Opportunity.

    3. For Document Title, enter a recognizable name for the document.

    4. For Starting Template, select Sample Opportunity Invoice.

    5. Click Create Document.

  3. Open the template, click Applies To, and update the options as desired to specify which job types, branches, pricing types, opportunity types, or rate types that the document applies to. Then click Apply.

  4. Update the document template as desired and click Save Changes.

Note: To see the new document on an existing opportunity, you'll need the support team to regenerate the documents on the existing opportunity. All new opportunities that met your Applies To criteria will automatically have this document applied.

Step 2: Enable Invoice Communications

  1. Go to Settings > Communication > Email / SMS Templates.

  2. Scroll down to the After Job section and enable Send Invoice.
    ​Note: The toggle is enabled if it is green.

Step 3: Send an Invoice

The opportunity's binding type determines when you're able to send an invoice.

  • Non-binding: must have a booked opportunity and at least 1 finalized job.

  • Binding: must have a booked opportunity but does not require a finalized job.

When available, you can send an invoice to the customer using either of the following methods:

  • Option 1: Click the Accounting tab and click Send Invoice.

  • Option 2: From the estimate, click Send Invoice.

Note: The customer must have a valid email address or mobile phone number listed.

Send an Invoice from the Accounting Section

Once a job has been finalized, the invoice is ready to be sent to your customer. The invoice will layout all of the final charges to the customer and list any payments that have been previously made.

Step 1: Navigate to the account tab of the job that you are ready to calculate the final charges for.

Step 2: From the Information panel select Send Invoice.

Step 3: Select Send Invoice.

Note: From this screen, you are also able to print, save, or perform other various actions with the document.

Step 4: Select which contacts and which contact information to send the invoice to.


Step 5: Click Send.

You will receive a green notification alerting you that your invoice has been sent.

How do Customers Pay Their Invoices Online?

If you have integrated your SmartMoving account with Remedy Payments, then your invoice templates will be automatically loaded and toggled on within your account.

If a customer needs help paying an invoice online, guide them through the following steps:

  1. Click the invoice link provided by email.

  2. Make sure the payment amount is correct.

    • If desired, click Edit to change the payment amount, then click Save.
      ​Note: The payment amount cannot be greater than the amount due.

  3. Enter the name, street address, and postal code for the card.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Enter your credit card information.

  6. Click Pay Now.

Multiple Payments

If the customer makes multiple payments, some fields may only reflect the last payment made and while others reflect all that have been made.

  • The invoice amount shows the amount due before any payments were made.

  • The payments show all previous payments.

  • The credit card fee only includes the fee for the last payment made.

The balance shows the invoice amount minus the amount paid and the credit card fee.

Finalize and Close a Job from the Accounting Module

Finalizing a job allows you to calculate what to charge on the final invoice. By finalizing the job in the account tab, you are able to track your estimated vs. your actual amounts to better improve your estimation process. Once the job has been completed you are ready to finalize the job from the account tab.

Step 1: Navigate to the account tab of the job that you are ready to calculate the final charges for.

Step 2: Select Finalize.

Step 3: Enter the actual values for the job.

  • Labor Time: The total number of hours that the crew worked for the job.

    • Can also select Switch to Start and End Times, for this option you will enter the time that the job started and the time that the job ended.

  • Travel Time: The time it took to travel from the office to the origin plus the time to travel from the destination back to the office.

  • Tips: The amount in tips that the crew received.

  • Include Travel Time in Billable Time? If this box is selected the travel time will be included in the billable time, if not selected the travel time will not be included in the time that is billed to the customer.

  • Deductions: Any time deductions that need to be made from the labor clock.

  • Minimum Job Time: The minimum time that can be charged for the job.

  • Number of Trucks: The number of trucks that were used for this job.

  • Number of Crew: The number of crew members that worked this job.

  • Invoiced Weight: The weight of the shipment that is to be reflected on the invoice.

    • Can also select to Switch to Gross and Tare Weight, for this option you will enter the tare weight and the gross weight of the shipment and SmartMoving will calculate the net weight.

Step 4: Select Finalize

Note: To finalize a job without calculating wages click the drop-down menu and select Finalize without wages.

Step 5: Select if you would like to send the move review email and the contract to the customer.

Step 6: The final charges have now been generated. You may now make any necessary additional changes to the final charges of the job.

Note: Items you are able to complete at this step include, collect payment, add any additional charges, calculate crew payroll, add additional notes, edit job times, add a discount, etc.

Step 7: Close out to the job. You can either:

  • Close out the job with a zero-dollar balance.

  • Close out the job with a remaining balance. The job will then be found in your Account Balances section of the accounting module.

Note: From the drop-down menu you can also select to Reset or Re-Finalize the job.

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