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Quote Form Opt-in Changes for 10DLC

The changes that need to be made to your quote form to meet the new 10DLC guidelines.

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over a week ago

The 10DLC regulations now state that our clients must receive confirmation from their customers to receive text messages related to the quote that they are submitting a request for through your website. The consent of your customers can be obtained in any way that you wish, but we highly encourage that our clients pass in the opt-in confirmation through their quote form.

The steps for our different integration methods are included below. Some of the steps are designed to be completed by a website developer. Please, reach out to your website's developer for assistance. If you do not have a website developer, please contact our Support Team through on in-app support chat and our team will connect you with our trusted website development partner.

SmartMoving Embedded iFrame Quote Form

If you are using our short or long for that can be found in your Quote Form settings, your customers will now see that they have to select to opt into receiving SMS messages when a mobile phone is selected. This will allow them to receive the SMS message notification New Quote Request Response from SmartMoving.

SmartMoving WordPress Plugin

For our clients that are using the SmartMoving WordPress Plugin, two steps need to be completed. These two steps will allow for a checkbox to be added to your quote form that your customers can select signifying that they agree to receive text messages related to this quote request.
​Step 1: Update your WordPress Plugin. The updated plugin can be obtained by reaching out to our Customer Support Team through our in-app support chat.

Step 2: On your mapped fields in your WordPress settings for SmartMoving you will add the field User Opt In. This field will add an opt-in option for your customers to select. This opt-in option will allow your customers to receive SMS message notifications.

JavaScript Plugin

If you are using the JavaScript Form found in your Quote Form settings, you will need to update your form to pass the opt-in option to your customers. We have updated the JavaScript Form found in your settings to include the opt-in option. Updating your JavaScript Form is optional. If this field is not passed into SmartMoving, we will assume that you have received the consent of your customer through some other means.

Custom Integration

For custom integration, you can choose to pass in the consent of your customers to receive SMS messages, or you can receive the confirmation by other means. You will need to inform your customers that standard messaging rates will apply.

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