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RingCentral FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the RingCentral integration

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over a year ago

The SmartMoving Ring Central integration is easy to enable and allows for you to call your customers directly from SmartMoving.

Who Has Access to the RingCentral Integration?

The integration is available to our clients that are on our Professional Plan. If you are interested in the integration, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager and they can assist you in upgrading your plan.

Can I Use a Physical Phone for the Integration?

Digital lines must be used for the SmartMoving - RingCentral integration. In most cases, it is free to add a digital line to your RingCentral subscription. To learn more about adding a digital line follow this link to the RingCentral Help Center.

Why are My Calls Not Being Automatically Recorded?

Automatic recording is only available to clients that are using a RingCentral Advanced plan (legacy plans Premium or Ultimate). If you have one of these plans, please follow the instructions included in the Connect RingCentral to SmartMoving article to enable automatic recording in your RingCentral settings.

Can I Use the RingCentral Integration on a Mobile Device?

No, RingCentral does not support mobile devices. Please use your desktop computer or laptop to place call a from your browser.


Can I Answer Phone Calls in SmartMoving?

Only outbound calling is supported in SmartMoving.

What Happens if I Place a Call Using the RingCentral Application?

A call placed outside of SmartMoving will not allow for the recording to be available from the sales activity page. The call will need to be manually logged in SmartMoving.

What Are the Best Browsers to Use for the Integration?

Browsers tested by RingCentral include Chrome, Edge (Chromium) and Firefox desktop browsers. If a browser has not been tested by RingCentral, it may mean that there will be issues with that browser.

How Can I Make Calls by Default from My Browser?

To adjust your RingCentral settings, please follow the instructions included in this article to enable your calls to be made by default from your browser, How to Make Calls from Your Browser by Default.

Am I Able to Pause the Recording?

If you need to collect private information from a customer, that information should not be stored in RingCentral. Instead, you will want to pause the recording to collect this information. In order to pause the recording, you will need to have your admin make an adjustment to your RingCentral settings. Please follow the instructions found in this article to enable recording pausing, Pause a Call Recording.

How Long Are Call Recordings Stored in SmartMoving?

If your RingCentral plan includes the option to enable call recording, that recording will be stored in the sales activity of the opportunity for 90 days.


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