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Relocation Insurance Group FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the SmartMoving and Relocation Insurance Group Integration

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over 4 months ago

Who Can Utilize the Integration?

Currently, the integration is only available to moving companies that are existing customers of both SmartMoving and Relocation Insurance Group. We do have plans to offer the integration to other companies in the future.

What Fields are Required to be Entered to Create a Moving Insurance Quote?

The following information must be entered for the opportunity to start a moving insurance quote:

  • Customer Name

  • Customer Email

  • At least one stop, but two is ideal.

    Note: If only one address is entered, the origin and the destination will populate the same address on the insurance quote.

  • Service Date

What Service Types Allow You to Start an Insurance Quote?

The following service types are supported and will allow you to start an insurance quote:

  • Moving

  • Moving and Packing

  • Custom service types including the words "move" or "moving" are also supported

  • Storage In Bound (beginning on 11/6/204)

If combined with either a moving job or a moving and packing job the following service types are supported and will allow you to start an insurance quote.

  • Packing

  • Commercial

  • Junk Removal

Note: If one of the services above is not combined with a moving or a moving and packing job, you will not be able to start a moving insurance quote.

The following service types are not supported and will not allow you to start a moving insurance quote:

  • Load Only

  • Unload Only

  • Storage Out Bound

  • Inner House

  • Labor Only

Why Can My Customer Not Finalize Their Coverage?

Coverage cannot be finalized within two days of the first date of service on your opportunity. Once within two days of the first service on the opportunity, the moving insurance quote is no longer valid and cannot be signed or finalized. Relocation Insurance Group recommends that the customer completes the sign-up process before that date.

Can my Customers Contact Relocation Insurance Group if They Have Questions?

Yes, absolutely! After you have shared the quote with the customer, they will find a section labeled Questions? located on the left-hand side of the Relocation Insurance Group Insurance Quote Wizard. From that button, they will be shown a modal that states the contact number and email address for RIG.


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