Often realtors or other contacts may function as an affiliate for your company. By adding that affiliate to your Marketing module you can easily track the leads that the affiliate has sent to you.
How to Add a New Affiliate
Step 1: Navigate to the Market Module.
Note: Only users with permission to access this module will be able to navigate here. To update your roles and permissions navigate to Settings -> Company Settings -> Roles and Permissions.
Step 2: Select the Affiliates tab.
Step 3: Select + Add Affiliate.
Step 4: Enter the information for the affiliate.
Name: The name of the affiliate.
βCompany: The company is the affiliate associated with.Branch*: Which branch do you want the leads that are submitted by this affiliate to be funneled to.
Email: The email address of the affiliate. Once the affiliate has been created an invitation to access the Affiliate Portal will be emailed to them. If you do not want the affiliate to receive this invitation, simply omit their email address.
Phone Number: The phone number of the affiliate.
Notes: Any additional notes that you want to enter about this affiliate.
Note: Any field with an asterisk by it is required and must be entered before you will be able to create the affiliate.
βStep 5: Click to Create or Create and Add Another if you have additional affiliates to add.