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QuickBooks customer matching logic
QuickBooks customer matching logic

How do we determine a Customer match in QuickBooks when syncing?

Matt Honeycutt avatar
Written by Matt Honeycutt
Updated over a week ago

When an invoice or payment is synced to QuickBooks the following logic is used to determine if there is an existing customer match in Quickbooks. If no match is found based on the following rules, SmartMoving will create a new customer in your QuickBooks account

For any of these to match, the customer record in QuickBooks must be Active. Any customer record in Quickbooks that is not active will not be considered when searching for a match.

Rule 1: (Look for a unique, exact customer name match)

If any customer name in Quickbooks exactly matches the name of the customer in SmartMoving whose invoice or payment is being synced, the sync process will link that unique Quickbooks customer to the customer match in SmartMoving. Any future syncs will automatically use this link to determine the QuickBooks customer

Rule 2: (Look for a unique, exact email match)

If any customer email address in Quickbooks exactly matches the email address of the customer in SmartMoving whose invoice or payment is being synced, the sync process will link that unique Quickbooks customer to the customer match in SmartMoving based on the email address.

If multiple customers in Quickbooks have the same email address SmartMoving will not consider any of these a match and proceed to Rule 3.

Rule 3:

If no name match was found and no unique email address match was found, then the QB sync process will create a new customer record in your QuickBooks account.

Important: Once the link to your QuickBooks customer has been established, SmartMoving will always use the same link to sync across payments and invoices. If the customer Name or Email in QuickBooks is updated manually by someone on your team after the initial link has been established, this will not affect the sync logic. SmartMoving will continue to sync payments and invoices to this same customer record in QuickBooks even though the name, email, or both are now different and may not match the information of the related customer in SmartMoving.

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