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SmartMoving Version 1
1.0 - Enter a custom address
1.0 - Enter a custom address

How to handle addresses that do not have a match in Google Maps

Ren Jones avatar
Written by Ren Jones
Updated over a week ago

SmartMoving uses Google Maps to ensure that a customer address is valid. However, occasionally Google Maps will not return a match for newer housing additions and other special circumstances. In these cases, you will be able to create a custom address.

Important Note: If you are having difficulties adding an address to a new opportunity, you can simply enter a zip code into the Origin and Destination fields on the New Opportunity form. You can then follow the steps below to add a custom address.

Adding a custom address

Navigate to the estimate page for a job.

First, click the plus icon to add a stop...

...or click the Origin or Destination links to edit a partial address or zip code.

Next, enter an address into the address field. If the address has a match, you'll be able to select it from the suggestions.
โ€‹Note: You must select a match from the list of Google addresses so that SmartMoving can properly calculate the mileage distance.

If the address does not have a match, click Custom Address.

Next, enter the postal code, the street address (and unit number, if applicable), and click Update Address.

Note: The center of the postal code will now be used for all distance calculations.

Then, select any additional details about the address (e.g., property type, set of stairs, etc.) and click Save.

The address will now appear in your list of stops, and the travel distance between the stops and your office location will also be provided.

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