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Sync a Pre-Move Survey Application Inventory to SmartMoving

How to sync your Pre-Move Survey data and photos to SmartMoving.

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over a week ago

The Pre-Move Survey Application is designed to be used offline 95% of the time. You can adjust your application's settings to be used without a data connection. In this case, your data would then sync back to SmartMoving once you have a data connection, and you start a data upload. At the beginning of the day, your surveyors will want to sync their applications while using a data connection before heading out into the field for the day, This allows them to pull in any data from the web application that they may need.

How to Pull in Data

To refresh your application and to pull in the latest data from the SmartMoving web application, pull down on the application. This will load your list of surveys for the day. To notify you that your application is in sync each survey will have a green checkmark next to it. You can also pull in data by clicking Refresh List. This action will also sync any data that has not yet been synced to SmartMoving.

Sync Data to SmartMoving

When there are changes that have not been synced to SmartMoving, the application will notify you in the top right-hand corner of your application. To sync your data to SmartMoving follow these steps:

Step 1: Click Pending Changes.

Step 2: Click Start Upload.

Note: When you select Start Upload, all data that has not been synced to SmartMoving will sync and then all photos will sync. You can click the icons for data and photos individually by each survey if you would like to only sync the data connected to a specific survey.

Once the data and photos have been synced to SmartMoving, there will be a green checkmark notifying you that the data has been synced.

The notification in the top right-hand corner of your screen will also notify you if there are no pending changes that need to be synced.

How Often to Sync

We recommend syncing your data to SmartMoving, as often as possible. If any changes are being made simultaneously in the web application and the Pre-Move Survey Application, whatever is entered in the Pre-Move Survey Application will overwrite what has been changed in the web application. Syncing your data often allows for the web application to have the most up-to-date information. At a minimum, we recommend that your data is synced at the beginning and the end of the day.


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