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Edit an invoice

How to add, edit, and delete storage invoice line items

Ren Jones avatar
Written by Ren Jones
Updated over a week ago

You can update specific line items on an invoice to modify the number of units, unit price, or to apply a discount. Additionally, you can add new charges to the invoice or remove charges.

Note: After all changes have been made, you can click Send Invoice to resend the updated invoice to the customer(s).

Navigate to Storage -> Accounts -> (or click here to go directly to the page) and select an account. Then, in the Invoices, Credits, & Payments section, select the invoice you wish to modify.

Adding charges to an invoice

First, click Add Charge on the invoice page.

Next, select the Charge Type and enter the number of units, price per unit, and any discounts that may apply (optional).

Then click Add to save.

Editing invoice charges

First, click the menu icon for any line item you wish to modify, and click Edit.

Next, edit the number of units, price per unit, or any discounts that may apply.

Then, click Save.

Deleting invoice charges

First, click the menu icon for any line item you wish to remove, and click Delete.

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