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System and Reporting Dates

What do the various dates mean?

Matt Honeycutt avatar
Written by Matt Honeycutt
Updated over a week ago

SmartMoving tracks numerous date attributes for both opportunities and jobs. Different reports (and dashboard metrics) operate on different dates. Understanding the difference will help you correctly utilize these metrics.


  • Service Date (AKA Move Date) - This is the date of the first move day (ie: a job with its type set to Move or Moving and Packing). If there is no move day, the system uses the date of the first job on the opportunity.

  • Quote Sent - The date and time the quote was first sent to the customer.

  • Booked Date - The date and time the quote was last booked. If you unbook an opportunity, then rebook it, this date will be updated.

  • Cancelled Date - The date and time the opportunity was cancelled.

  • First Contacted Date - The date and time the first communication occurred. Only texts, calls, and Emails logged in the sales module count. The auto-responder that is sent automatically to new leads does not count. However, sending a quote does count.

  • Last Communication - This is the last time communication occurred. Only texts, calls, and Emails logged in sales count. Sending a quote does count.

  • Electronic Signatures Agreed to Date - The date and time the customer agreed to the use of electronic signatures.

  • Estimated Accepted Date - The date and time the estimate was accepted (or the estimate document was signed, if estimate signatures are enabled). If the user resets the estimate, this value is removed.

  • Lost Date - The date and time the opportunity was marked lost.

  • Inventory Last Submitted - The date and time the customer last submitted their inventory through the customer portal.

Opportunity Trip Info

These dates are informational only.

  • Pickup First Available

  • Pickup Last Available

  • Delivery First Available

  • Delivery Last Available


  • Job Date - The date of the actual job.

  • End Date - The end date of the job, if set.

  • Start time - The time (and date) the crew first pressed the "Start Job" in the crew mobile application. The start time can also be set and/or updated in the accounting job details.

  • End time - The time (and date) the crew pressed the "Complete Job" button on the mobile app and began the "Complete Job" workflow. The end time can also be set and/or updated in the accounting job details.

  • Completed Date - The time (and date) the crew fully completed the job. Jobs are fully completed once the user takes final payment and presses the final "Complete Job" button. Jobs are also marked as completed when they are closed, but only if they are not already marked as completed. This date is never updated once it is set. Reopening a job and reclosing it does not update the completed date.

  • Closed Date - The date and time the job was closed in the accounting module. If you reopen a closed job, then close it again, you have the option to keep the original close date, or to use a new close date.

  • Most Recent Crew Activity - The date and time of the last update from the crew. This is set whenever the crew presses one of the Start, Load, Unload, etc. buttons in the crew mobile application.

  • Last Confirmed - The last time an office user "confirmed" a job (either on the estimate editor or in the dispatch module). Unconfirming and reconfirming will set a new Last Confirmed date.

  • Last Invoiced At - The date and time the invoice for a job was last sent to the customer. This shows up on the Account Balances tab in the accounting module.

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