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Clickable Dashboards

An overview of the clickable metrics on the Company Dashboard and the Sales Dashboard

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over a week ago

The SmartMoving Company Dashboard and the Sales Dashboard allow you to view important pieces of data all in one place. You can increase your efficiency by managing your day at a glance. By being able to select a metric and view a breakdown of the data at the click of a button you are able to increase your sales and your efficiency.

Note: The Dashboards are cached to prevent slowing down the performance of SmartMoving. To update your dashboard more quickly, please refresh the page.

Clickable Dashboards

From both the Company Dashboard and the Sales Dashboard, all metrics are clickable. This means, that you can click on a metric and a report will populate for you that breaks down the data that is shown in the dashboard metric.

The metrics that can be selected to view a breakdown of the data and can be exported include:

  • Moves This Month

  • Jobs Today

  • Moves Not Booked

  • Average Move Value This Month

  • Activity

  • Open Items

  • Job Revenue

  • Sales Leaders This Month

  • Top Referral Sources This Month

  • Jobs Booked This Month

  • Actions Taken Per Salesperson

  • Open Items

  • Job Revenue - Last 30 Days

  • Top Referral Sources This Month

Export a Dashboard Metric

The dashboard metric reports can be exported directly from the dashboard. To export a dashboard metric, follow the steps included below.

Step 1: Select a metric. For example, the Moves Not Booked This Month metric.

Step 2: From the pop-up window, select the download icon.

Step 3: Enter the email addresses of the recipients you want to receive this report.

Step 4: Click Export. All recipients that you have entered will receive an XLS file of the report.


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