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Import Your Storage Data

How to quickly add your existing accounts and containers into SmartMoving

Ren Jones avatar
Written by Ren Jones
Updated over a week ago

SmartMoving allows you to import your existing containers and accounts using an Excel template. Importing your data will help you set up your storage faster by automatically adding items to your settings based on what is listed on the Excel template (e.g., warehouse names, container types, etc.). It will also allow you to set up your existing accounts with auto-billing.

There are some important things to keep in mind when importing:

  • Containers should be imported first, then accounts. This way, your imported accounts can be associated with their imported containers.

  • The spreadsheet must be filled out EXACTLY as is. Do not modify or delete the top header row or use your own spreadsheet.

  • You should remove any sample data on the spreadsheet before filling it out (leave the top header row).

  • You must ensure that item spelling (like warehouse names, container types, etc.) match exactly to any you’ve already created in your SmartMoving storage settings. Any item on the import that doesn't match an existing item in your settings will create a new settings item for your account.

  • Any items with an (*) are required. Others may be left blank if unknown.

  • An import cannot be reversed.

  • If an import is run twice, any accounts or containers will be duplicated.

Importing containers

Navigate to Settings > Storage > Containers, or click here to go directly to the page.

First, click Upload Containers.

Then, click Download Template to download the Excel template.

Next, open the Excel template and fill it out.

Note: You must use this spreadsheet. You cannot create your own or modify the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet consists of the following fields:

  • Warehouse: The name of the warehouse where the container is located. If the name does not match an existing warehouse name in the settings, the new warehouse name will be added to the settings list.

  • Container numbers: The alphanumeric container number. A warning will appear if a container number is used more than once, but these numbers can be repeated if you have duplicates in your warehouse.

  • Container type: The type of container. If the name does not match an existing container type in the settings, the new container type will be added to the settings list.

  • Zone: The zone location of the container. If the name does not match an existing zone in the settings, the new zone will be added to the settings list.

  • Aisle, row, shelf: Optional fields for the aisle, row, and shelf location of the container. If your company doesn't use all three of these but only uses one or two positions then fill out what you use. Note that you can change the name of the positions in your settings after the import to match any specific verbiage your company uses.

Then, once the spreadsheet is complete, return to the SmartMoving screen, click Choose File, and select the completed Excel file.

Import Limit: There is a limit of 200 containers on a single import. If you have more than 200 containers, put additional containers on separate spreadsheets and import each spreadsheet separately.

Importing accounts

After you have imported your containers, you can now import your accounts.

Important: Any account you import where the name AND email of the customer on your spreadsheet exactly matches one in your SmartMoving system will automatically get LINKED to the existing customer in SmartMoving. This will be helpful when setting up the payment information for each account, as any existing customer in SmartMoving with a saved credit card on file will be easily assigned to the imported account without having to re-enter the credit card number.

Navigate to Settings > Storage > Account Import, or click here to go directly to the page.

First, click Download Template to download the Excel template. Open the template and populate it with your data.

Note: You must use this spreadsheet. You cannot create your own or modify the spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet consists of the following fields:

  • Warehouse: The name of the warehouse associated with the account.

  • Customer Name and Email: The customer's name and email address. If the name AND email address EXACTLY match an existing customer, the import will automatically link the storage account to the existing customer. If no match is found, a new customer will be created.

  • Mobile Phone, Home Phone, Other Phone: Optional fields for the customer's various contact phone numbers

  • Billing Street, City, State, Zip Code: The customers billing address information is optional for import; however, if you wish to auto-bill the customer, the billing address must be added for the credit card on file. An invalid billing address can cause the credit card transaction to fail. Credit cards that are stored on file for any existing customer can be associated to the storage accounts after the import.

  • Move-In Date: Date that the customer's belongings were added to storage

  • Storage Type: The type of storage—must either be SIT (for storage in transit) or PERM (for permanent storage)

  • Monthly Storage: The dollar amount charged to the customer every month for recurring storage costs

  • Monthly Valuation: An optional field for the dollar amount for any additional valuation that will be charged to the customer each month

  • Billing Day of Month: The day of the month that the customer will receive their storage invoice

  • Volume and Weight: Optional fields for the volume and weight of the items in storage

  • Containers: An optional field for any container numbers associated with the account. Separate multiple container numbers with a comma and no space.

  • Is Pre-Pay: Yes if you bill your customers in advance for the upcoming month or no if you bill them each month for the previous month's usage.

  • Auto-charge: A yes/no field for whether the customer will be automatically charged

  • Auto Send Invoice: A yes/no field for whether the customer should receive an invoice email as soon as the invoice is generated

  • Is commercial: A yes/no field for whether it is a commercial account

  • Lot number, Color: An optional field for the lot number and color if you tag customer furniture on a descriptive inventory

  • Lot to, lot from: An optional field for the lot range location of the containers, i.e. 1-500

Then, once the spreadsheet is complete, return to the SmartMoving screen, click Choose File, and select the completed Excel file.

The import will scan your file and let you know if there are any errors on your spreadsheet.

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