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Upload and Take Photos from the Crew Application

How to upload and take photos from the mobile Crew Application

Holly avatar
Written by Holly
Updated over a year ago

The crew can now access the photos that have been uploaded from the web application from the crew application to easily and quickly view the items that they are responsible for. Not only can crew members view photos that are already being stored with the opportunity, but crew members can also add additional photos to an opportunity. The photos can either be uploaded from the gallery of the device being used or taken directly from the Crew Application.

Updated Crew Application

The photos feature is only available for version 5 of the Crew Application. To update your application, please check the Apple and Android Stores for the latest version. To verify your application is on the latest version, refer to the login screen of the crew application.

Upload from Gallery

Step 1: From the Crew Application click on a job to access it.

Step 2: Select the tab labeled, Photos on the right-hand side of the screen.

Step 3: Click Add From Gallery.

Step 4: Select which category you went the image you are going to upload to be added to.

Step 5: Click Done.

Step 6: When the gallery for your device populates, select the photo or photos that you want to upload to this category.

Step 7: Click Add when all desired photos have been selected.

Take a Photo

Step 1: From the Crew Application click on a job to access it.

Step 2: Select the tab labeled, Photos on the right-hand side of the screen.

Step 3: Click Take Photo.

Step 4: Select which category you went the image you are going to upload to be added to.

Step 5: Click Done.

Step 6: Take a photo.

Note: You will need to select to Allow the Crew Application access to the camera on the device you are using when first using this feature.

Step 7: Select Use Photo or Retake to take a new photo.


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